Reported Post by kamehouse

kamehouse has reported a post.


The latest in the “hate post” from forum member Uyraell.
Again no warning that I know of has been given although several forum rules has been broken.
If this member has so much issues with France,he should take it elsewhere.
Myself ,I found it hard to post anymore as I just don’t want to respond to some baiting post.
I am confident the moderator team will take necessary action regarding these kind of posts(already too many in my opinion).
Sorry for the extra work but I can’t simply say nothing in these unjustifed attacks.
Best regards,

Post: WW2 Land Mines in North Africa.
Forum: General WWII Discussion
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: Uyraell
Original Content:

I still think kamehouse is too bloody sensitive, but he has made a good contribution to the board and it would be a pity to lose him because of failure to respond to his complaint.

I’d suggest a gentle mod rebuke to Uyraell by PM and a mod PM to kamehouse telling him that Uyraell has been rebuked by PM.

Hopefully that avoids getting Uyraell offside also, as he has made a good contribution as well and clearly has a lot of knowledge. It would be a pity to lose him as well.

I’m probably not the mod to do it as I posted about opposition down here to the French as a result of their nuclear testing in the Pacific etc in the thread kamehouse previously reported. Kamehouse might not see me as impartial (possibly because I’m not. :slight_smile: )

I can do it this evening if nobody else does it beforehand. Personally, I think Uryaell is being a bit of a prat but not actually breaking the forum rules. Certainly his comments about France in the two reported posts are long on opinion and almost completely devoid of truth (he can’t even spell Foch correctly!).
And yes, Kamehouse is being WAY too sensitive…

Looks like you’ve been elected, by default. Or maybe just general lack of interest. :wink: :smiley:

As to the Foch mispelling, it might be a two steps to the left, two the the right problem. On a QWERTY keyboard, check out two to the left of O and two to the right of H. QED. :smiley:

I sent Kamehouse a message saying his complaint would be addressed…

I’m probably not the best one to address it though, since I’ve gotten a bit pissy with Ury before…

BTW, is it me or is Uyreall on a necro-posting binge? :smiley:

In light of your post, I sent him a PM to the same effect.

A bit of mod activity will make him feel that his complaint is being dealt with, as it will be.

No, he’s just lonely. :smiley:

Both are valuable members in my opinion, we shouldn’t allow to let this escalate. Uyraell’s decree on France was a bit harsh for my taste but still far away from simple trolling.

Right, PM’d the following to Kamehouse:

And the other PM…

Replies have come in from both of them:

Shame about Kamehouse, but I don’t think we can change the rules just to keep one member happy.


I would have liked to have kept him as a poster, but if he’s that bloody sensitive about France it was going to end like this sooner or later and no amount of changing rules to accommodate him was going to avoid that end.

Conversely, Uyraell’s response was about right.

A pity kamehouse wasn’t similarly robust and understanding about how the board works.

It’s a pity since we’re not thrice blessed with French after all…