Reported Post by Nickdfresh

Nickdfresh has reported a post.


I think this should be the last straw. He’s been warned. I think he needs at least a two-week vacation…

Post: What Unit Would You Serve In
Forum: General WWII Discussion
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh

Posted by: herman2
Original Content:

I would have served in the Unit that dropped the Atomic Bomb over Japan. If I were in that Unit, I would have liked to drop as many A-bombs that the airforce could muster up.

I don’t have a problem with a two-week ban.

I have just slapped a 2 week ban on him. This will be his final time-out. If he continues then I shall enforce a perma-ban.

I have put up a post about it but if you would be so kind as to drop him a PM Nick telling him straight then it will stand as his FINAL warning.


I will do so…

*Actually I can’t, his PM function disappeared…

Put a note in the old diary.

Something tells me he’ll be back…