Reported Post by Nickdfresh

Nickdfresh has reported a post.


This guy seems pretty suspicious…

Post: Israeli Super Sherman
Forum: Off Topic - Militaria
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: nkkie123
Original Content:

I couldn’t decide whether he was suspicious or just stupid on his first few posts.

I’m inclined to think he’s both.

But where’s the ad? Does the little image behind his shitty comments imply any messages to our subconscious?:smiley:

I think he’s just a common or garden idiot - the IP address traces to somewhere near a web hosting company in Tampa, Florida and it’s unique to the board. The spammers tend to be Chinese (working for an absolute pittance), while the trolls tend to come back again and again on the same IP address.

At the very least. He is clearly a world class simpleton. Or maybe just a simple troll. Either could have posted this.

As usual, time will tell.

Not content with posting drivel in various threads, nkkie123 is now starting pointless threads.

Are we getting to the point that he needs a warning about lifting his game?

This is an obvious “agent provocateur” troll…

This one’s special! What is he/she/it up to anyway?

Don’t know and don’t care.

Time to clip his / her / its wings.

Gave him one infraction point and sent him this:

You have been posting pointless comments in many threads and have now distinguished yourself by starting this even more pointless thread in the wrong section

Your conduct suggests that you are either incapable of participating in a discussion at even the lowest level expected on this forum or that you are being intentionally provocative. Either way, this conduct will not be tolerated.

You now have an official warning from a moderator and one infraction point. Behave yourself and the infraction point will disappear after thirty days.

Continue on your present path and you will disappear from the forum a lot sooner.