Reported Post by Nickdfresh

Nickdfresh has reported a post.


Dupe user account (nkkie123) and direct violation of forums rules. I have permanently banned this account and given “nkkie123” a two-week time out…

Post: Panzer projects & prototypes.
Forum: German Military
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: Jill64
Original Content:

hi everyone. as i was reading this thread, something came into my mind and I found myself asking if these Panzer projects & prototypes are existing today?

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.

hi, i just got an email about this reported post and i found it interesting. i wonder if infractions like this are given regularly here these days?

Any doubt I had about this prick being just stupid rather than a troll has been removed.

I reckon he’ll just try to keep flying below the radar by continuing with his pointless posts to avoid a full-on troll post. I’ve warned him that if he keeps it up he’ll get four infraction points and the next time he does it it’ll be five and banned.

His PM to FTG is just another instance of his attempts to be a nuisance without coming out as an overt troll. Reminds me of whoever that kitty cat nut was who kept coming back and playing a similar but more obvious and more enthusiastic game.