Reported Post by Nickdfresh

Nickdfresh has reported a post.


Um, is this a sneaky promotional thread for some guy’s new book?

Post: My Dad’s WW2 War diary - A Green Howard
Forum: WWII Websites
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: paulcheall
Original Content:

Thanks for the feedback. Yes if anyone could be said to have had a “good” war then Dad’s was I guess. Latest news it’s launching 19 May and is now available with pre-order discount from amazon at: Read the first chapter and previews at
I enjoyed looking at your Dad’s pics - esp the later one when he is looking very reflective.

It does appear that way though I doubt there is any malice of forethought,you could edit out the promotional language, and PM him to contact Procyon for permission.

I’m inclined to let it slide - two posts in 3 months isn’t a major spam problem, and the website he links to is offering a certain amount of relevant content for free. Any further postings should get a rap over the knuckles though…

I concur, not too big of a deal. But we’ll watch him closely… :slight_smile:

We’re always watching,
