Reported Post by Nickdfresh

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I hate to harangue a poster that seems enthusiastic and is contributing, possibly in ways he didn’t intend too. :slight_smile: But he seems to have an agenda with his nitpicking arguments and very slanted threads. Or is it just me?

P.S.: He also started a friendly fire thread in which he seems to be the only poster who cares…

Post: P-38 Lightning, Over-rated, Over-priced & Over-matched?
Forum: American Military
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: J.A.W.
Original Content:

The Lockheed P-38 may have been good for a twin-engined WW2 fighter, but was it really a waste of resources…since there was not much it could do - that the P-51 couldn’t do better, for 1/2 the price?

He may be overenthusiastic, and excitable, so just give him a nudge about his behavior, and then let him rope himself in if he likes to stir the pot. All I get from searching his Email address, is that he may be a Bassoonist at something called Burke Hall.

We’ve had a couple of PM’s. I sense I was correct in that he’s had battles at other WWII forums, especially the ones focusing on warbirds…

He might enjoy doing this on several sites at once. I’m reading more of his stuff, not being an aircraft aficionado, I can’t always tell when someone is full of it. Push his buttons a bit, he’ll show his true self, then you can spell it out for him. Though I’m not certain his type takes hints well.

After reading more of his comments, I’m inclined to believe that he is playing some type of game. Doesn’t seem to like any disagreement with his fascination for the pedantic.

Burke Hall is the primary school for Xavier College in my city.

Xavier College, which was the main competitor to the then reasonably priced Catholic secondary school I went to in the late 50s and early 60s is now, like my former and utterly unlamented alma mater, an over-priced upmarket Catholic secondary school run for parents who think there is a necessary correlation between high school fees and high university entrance scores and future success.

Xavier is best thought of as a football team with a very expensive school attached for the benefit of some pupils who need a good kick in the arse.

I assume it needs a bassoonist in its primary school to get its pupils accustomed to blowing their own horns.

He seems to have scored highly in that regard. Or perhaps the search info was a typo, and he is from Berk Hall. A reasonable assumption I think.



wy wood u say that!