Reported Post by Panzerknacker

Panzerknacker has reported a post.


The nazy word is usually used as insult, and I consider it a aver y grevious one.

Post: The forum faces.
Forum: Off Topic
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh

Posted by: Chevan
Original Content:

I called that because you are communist. Period.

This way of thinking make me to conclude that you are a fascist.Period.

And if you are so interested in the period of 1976-83 in here there is a topic, in wich you can educate yourself a bit before start posting rubbish.

As you wish
Oh lets educate myself:mrgreen:

Has i been enough educated now?:slight_smile:

Or now you will to revise the Agrantinian history, you old-fashion nazi?[/quote]

Since he started it by calling Chevan a communist I suggest telling him to stop whingeing and grow a backbone. Besides, I rather suspect that PK does indeed have some Nazi tendencies (well, totalitarian at the very least - I’ve not spotted any anti-semitism).

PK is fast becoming a whining cry baby who is obvioulsy on some sort of agenda. However, I suppose we should adress his concerns?

Who fancies replying to PK, he wont listen to me and PDF…