Reported Post by pdf27

pdf27 has reported a post.


The second post in this thread where PK has insulted another member (in this case calling Pánzon an idiot with no reason at all, in his first appearance in the thread after I locked it for him swearing at Cuts). I think some sort of warning or infraction is appropriate here, but because I’m UK based and he is a known troublemaker and former mod I want to make sure you guys are all on side before it happens.

Post: War crimes in Malvinas ?
Forum: Falklands/Malvinas War
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: Panzerknacker
Original Content:

[QUOTE]For those of us who have no idea of what trap was laid and why Panzon deserves shame for falling into it, could you explain?

Is very clear, the trap was set by cuts to make us discuss the internal conflict of Argentina in the Falkland Malvinas area.

Even I know Panzon have good intentions he wasnt intelligent enough to avoid this trap.:rolleyes:[/quote]

This post of his coming immediately after I locked the thread for 36 hours when he started swearing at Cuts. Cuts was almost certainly fishing for a bite, but was thoroughly polite and reasonable so I let it pass. Someone really, really needs to give this guy a slap.

PK at #201 in the thread quotes pdf27’s warning and then throws down the gauntlet in his usual truculent style when warned.

[quote]Furthermore, I note that this is the second time in this thread recently that you have insulted other members. Such behaviour is NOT acceptable on this website without good evidence (which you have singularly failed to provide), and certainly not in the Falklands/Malvinas sub-forum, which due to the behaviour of certain members we have found it necessary to moderate very tightly indeed

I agree with that, they are not acceptable, but I have no intentions to modify or edit any of my posting, neither my stile of writing.

Feel free to take the actions you think are needed.[/quote]

If he continues like this he’ll get the Malvinas war crimes thread closed, which I suspect is his purpose because he doesn’t like being contradicted. That would be a pity as Panzon and others who’ve come into it recently are giving it new life in an informed and reasonable manner.

I think we’ve all allowed PK more latitude than he deserves because of his past efforts as a mod, and I think he’s more than exhausted that degree of goodwill. He’s been openly inviting a slap for a while whenever he’s challenged on his conduct and he just gets bolder the longer he doesn’t get one.

I agree he needs a slap, of whatever degree pdf27 and or other senior mods think is appropriate.

Perhaps an infraction point and being banned from posting in the Malvinas threads for a fortnight or a month, to allow those threads to develop with what seem to be much more reasonable members’ contributions? It’ll piss PK off no end sitting on the sidelines but it might teach him a bit of self-discipline on those topics.

He’ll probably spit the dummy if he’s dealt with, but he’s long overdue for it.

The ultimate “nuclear option” solution might be to restrict the forum to invite membership only, like it was when I first joined. Then excluding Evita’knackered…

Boy would he be pissed! :smiley:

But a couple of warnings should suffice…

That’s actually a really good idea.

Why thank you, but I’d hate to see us go nuclear too soon. I think a warning would suffice as I think he’d hate to be left out of anything…