Reported Post by pdf27

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Bit of a martyr complex developing? Anyone else think this gentleman is setting himself up for the award of the Order of the Golden Boot?

Post: American Industrial charity
Forum: General WWII Discussion
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: Wizard
Original Content:

He may be, Though my intention was to keep him from that end. I have had words with him before also along these lines, with his responses being roughly the same. Including the “tell me, and I will withdraw.” bit at the end. And while being overly intense may not be in violation of rules, it certainly is poor form, showing a lack of respect for other members. The chip on the shoulder prove me wrong attitude is wearing thin. what do you guys think? I am considering my response.

He can be a pain in the arse but he’s well informed, and more so than most members, although it often comes across as being up himself.

I don’t like his combativeness and his need to prove that he’s correct, even when he isn’t, on every point, and his anti-British American jingoism makes him a bit of a knob.

He’s had some well deserved guidance from TG which he’s chosen to dispute, but not in a way which offends board rules or reasonable conduct.

He hasn’t done anything that warrants mod sanctions, and we’re big enough to handle robust debate, so I’d leave him alone.

What did I tell you?

He hasn’t quite taken his bat and ball and huffed off yet, as he couldn’t resist rising to royal 744’s bait. #21 at

TG was harassing him? Rubbish! Alleging harassment on such baseless grounds suggests to me that he’s one of those thin-skinned *****s who can dish it out to puff themselves up in their own eyes but who can’t take criticism because they’re a pretty fragile personality.

I dont think he can help himself. He is showing paranoia, he does have issues. I was thinking of responding that Jesus had called, and wanted his cross back, but he probably wouldn’t get it. As to his future here, I am of two minds, (2 more than I am generally credited with) He is knowledgeable, and has contributed to a number of threads, and can be entertaining in his more animated posts, which is good for site traffic. I am concerned though, with his most recent posts which to me are red flags. If I were his boss in the workplace, I would be referring him for assessment. Do we have cause to sanction? Not yet, lets see if he mellows, or makes good on this intention to leave our Ivy’d halls.

RS* and I have discussed him more than once. He comes across as very sensitive, completely devoid of a sense of humor, and a bit of a sophist more concerned with winning arguments than being historically correct. He’s well-informed on certain topics such as the Pacific War, but beyond that he’s a huge stick-up-his-arse about America always being the best…

Well, I must have a soft spot for nutters, but if you want to adios him I wont be distressed. At least he’s not this guy…

On that basis, if you were my boss you’d be doing a lot more than referring me for assessment. :wink: :smiley:

Agreed, on all points.

But he won’t change, because he doesn’t want to and because he can’t.

I wouldn’t boot him, partly because he hasn’t done anything to deserve it and probably won’t, and also because that will just reinforce his martyr complex pdf27 identified.

Then again, if he thinks you’ve harassed him, maybe Nick and I should show him what we’re like just in first gear. :wink: :smiley:

Ah but you have style RS*, and a very good sense of humor, which puts you many leagues distant from the dessicated Mr. Wiz.

“Then again, if he thinks you’ve harassed him, maybe Nick and I should show him what we’re like just in first gear”

Now thats entertainment…:lol: I’ll need some popcorn though.

I showed him a bit already, when he tried to selectively quote, and even outright MISquote, Tooze’s Wages of Destruction. I think pdf has already shut him up a bit in that thread by pointing out his inconsistent arguments. You just have to deal with a guy like that by showing he may be actually misrepresenting the text he’s citing to rationalize his own perceptions and opinions, which he seems to do occasionally. This is a guy who will never admit he’s wrong, but will stop arguing and move along if you press him enough…

My wife’s views more or less agree with that. She says I have style. But not of this century. Or the last.

She also likes laughing at me, because she says I am very humorous.

Sometimes I don’t understand her.

Well, women do say they like a man that makes them laugh, but they will never say in which way. Unsporting at least… although I did find an image of RS* at work one day,:smiley:


Why do I have my back to the camera?

And a tail? :wink: :smiley:

Nope, you’re stuck as Steve Martin from Theodoric of York, Medieval Judge. (old Saturday Night Live skit)

That’s about as close as I’m likely to get to being a judge.

But I could probably do the job alright as my knowledge of modern law isn’t too good (you have to read cases and stuff, which is really boring and takes time off important things like working on boats and going fishing and drinking beer etc).

Medieval law was simpler. Trial by ordeal of fire, water or combat. I could order that any day of the week.

Also, the irrefutable logic of medieval trials made them hugely quicker and vastly cheaper than modern trials. As here

An ancestor on my mother’s side was a Magistrate in Beverwych Netherlands he came across in 1631. I think he is the source of my sense of justice, though I may be more liberal than he in that I believe everyone has the right to a new rope.;):lol: