Reported Post by pdf27

pdf27 has reported a post.


First 3 posts all in Russian, doesn’t look like spam though from a quick babelfish…

Post: Hitler’s Biggest Mistake?
Forum: German Military
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: ABRALEX
Original Content:

PM’d him the following:


Please restrict your posts to English only, unfortunately none of the moderators speak Russian and so random stretches of Russian are likely to be assumed to be spam.

Additionally, this is an English Language forum - introducing additional languages is a bit of a nightmare from an administrative point of view.



I threw a warning into the thread. His posts when translated indicate a bit of an attitude. not to mention the fact that he’s posting in response to members that haven’t posted here in years…