Reported Post by pdf27

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Read the last few posts, for me I think it’s gone too far (when read in conjunction with the other crap about the Jews being a bunch of whingers). Ban time?

Post: Bomber Harris, Criminal or Hero?
Forum: British Military
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: J.A.W.
Original Content:

If you or your family are victims of crime, do you raise that spurious numbers game?

How does a comparison of numbers stack up as a moral relativity question anyhow?

Are you entitled to be more outraged by a Cop doing you criminal harm than a Mafioso?

What Stalin said about tragedy being personal, but millions being a statistic?

I would not object to banning,temporary, or otherwise. I was hoping he might mellow out, but my guess is that he will just continue his preoccupation with being contrary to everything anyone else posts,while continuing with his Fanboi nonsense. He is no longer entertaining, and some of the regulars are even showing signs of being tired of his tripe.

Don’t forget about his sensitive and thoughtful comments on Korean “comfort women” being raped…my ban finger is getting really itchy, he’s just spewing complete nonsense for the sake of it…

Oh crickey ****! I banned him for two weeks. I’m sorry if it’s unilateral, but the points this idiot keeps regurgitating about gas vs. diesel is really pissing me off!

You’re a lot more generous than I was thinking of being - I was figuring on him having earned a perma-ban.

I just want to torture him a bit by prolonging it and giving him hope. :evil:

I just noticed he insulted Ardee as well, whom is one of the more knowledgeable people here. Perhaps there is a conflict of interest since I sell diesel equipment, but this guy really works at nerves…

You did the right thing, I was about to furlough him as well, but I went out for a fish fry, and you got him first… :slight_smile:

… no loss…

decision you made, support I do …

Sorry. Not sure whether I’m channeling JAW, or Yoda.

I think you might be huffing the same petrol fumes as J.A.W.s… :mrgreen: