Reported Post by Rising Sun*

Rising Sun* has reported a post.


Do we allow this bloke and or this post to continue when he’s just advertising his own commercial site for his own profit?

On the other hand it might be a site of interest to WWIIC members.

Post: Collecting WW2 Militaria
Forum: WWII Websites
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: lsmilitaria
Original Content:

Hi guys, I’m new to the forum but not to militaria. I’ve been a collector for sometime and have recently launched my own militaria site for WW2 and Korean war pieces. Its called Last Stand Militaria. check it out.

At least he placed one serious post.

I’d go for the same procedure as with this WW2 horror story writer a couple of weeks ago. Means granting some points…

Yeah, but I regard it as just a pretence at being a serious poster to protect his commercial post.

I’m tempted to ban him for commercial spamming.

However, this raises issues we’ve had earlier but not resolved about how we deal with such posts.

We let one ?Finnish? poster on to market his game a while ago, largely because he was polite enough to ask first.

There are potential benefits to our site in being linked with active commercial sites as we may derive improved Google rankings and also get a spillover from those sites of people interested in military history.

I think Procyon needs to consider this issue and come up with a policy, probably after some discussion between the mods and, ideally, the members as they’re the ones who may be turned off or pleased by such links and reflect that in their participation on the site.

In the meantime, I think the reported poster should stay.

I guess we have to discuss this matter further.
It’s getting too obvious what he intends here…

I’m still tempted to ban him for commercial spamming.

I probably should have on his first post, because now he’s continuing exactly as I expected by using the site to flog his wares.

So I’ve deleted his last post trying to find a buyer for his wares, pending a decision by the mods on whether he should be banned or, which works just as well, just leave it that any more commercial posts get deleted.

Be that as it may, many serious sites have a ‘for sale / wanted’ section which might be appropriate here. But not in the history threads.

I agree with the last sentence wholeheartedly. He should keep all of that out of the history threads. Maybe I shouldn’t have let Clave get away with it, but he is a reputable poster that contributes a lot of work to the site. Coming in and making a couple of posts, then whoring your site is different…

For what it’s worth, I nearly banned Clave and gave him a very strong warning when he first started posting…

Well, he made an unabashedly commercial post offering free or reduced shipping, and I banned him for this, but only ten days…

I did so because I noticed a previously deleted post and I assume someone sent him a bit of a warning?