Reported Post by Rising Sun*

Rising Sun* has reported a post.


Prahl must have gained day release, or maybe just internet access in the nuthouse, again.

Post: 16th infantry regiment at Aachen
Forum: American Military
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: Cpt_Prahl
Original Content:

Once again I see no one has a comment on some real history makes me sad that so many people who claim to know allot about WW II have zero to add to what I have been studying but then again I am researcher, writer and Historian so my level of expertese is way beyond the layman so I must apoligise if I come of arrogant.

 I on my trip made contact with a gentleman who lives in Haarn outside of Aachen and has a book written in German by the town Fathers on wat happened in Elindorf during this battle so in the near future he will be providing me with the German side of the battle should be interesting to see what is stated. Somewhere in my vast archive of research I have some German Reports from the Battle, I'll post them here as to show you more of what I am talking about "that history isnt what you read in Books 90% of the time"

Just like in life as in History you have to read between the lines to get the truth" Me

“The Truth Hurts when you are getting colser to the Truth” Ssgt Harley Reanolds said to me on one of our many talks over the last few years

He’s a prick. I almost posted “then piss off to a site that gives a shit.” But thought better of it…

Loved your comment about walking on water and healing lepers.

Gave me a big laugh when I really needed one.

Excellent replies, guys, I’m looking forward to his reaction.
32Bravo had a good one some time ago as well which always made me smirk:

Concerning the thread in question…is it my lack of knowledge of the English language, is it Prahl’s alleged dyslexia or what the hell is he writing about???
I don’t get the point…“major contradictions”, “read between the lines” and all that.

After all I think he’s having a hard-on just by drivelling about his Grandpa’s Silver Star citation and his personal achievements as a historian, researcher, yackety-yak…

No, it’s his.

Plus he’s a nutcase.

He knows and sees what we don’t.

But can’t seem to spell it very well…

Then I’ve returned a favor done many times over…

And as for the thread, I probably should close it, but this silly assclown keeps writing great stuff like “your febel understanding of what I am trying to accomplish interperates my statement then good for you Nick!” :lol:

Da boy rites grate wurds wot hav da powah two inspirate lessah peeps, sow his wurds shud be keeped for awl to sea.

I think he’s a 14-year old Swedish troll with delusions or something…

This idiot has sent me three pretty vile emails. So I sent him one far more belligerent back…

This is how wars start. :wink: :smiley:

Care to share his emails, so we know what sort of character we’re dealing with?

Somewhere in one of his posts or PMs to me he threatened to fix me up if we met in the street.

I think he’s potentially a bit dangerous, so if he’s net-savvy I wouldn’t provoke him too far.

He didn’t respond to my last email…

I’ll post this shit tomorrow. But yes, he’s completely detached from reality…

Is this still ongoing? I’m not too happy about Mods receiving emails that are even mildly threatening as thats not what we are about.

I will be reviewing some of his posts and will consider giving him a ban if it warrants it. However, if his emails back this up it will affect the longevity of that ban if it happens.

He sent three over the course of a couple of days - then I sent him back one slightly more vile and haven’t heard from him since.

I think he just “wanted to get a rise out of me” as the American saying from the 1980s goes, and just wanted to know he pissed me off…

He hasn’t been online since August 20. Usually he shows up occasionally, kicks up some fuss and tells us how untaught we are.

Here’s a sample:

HIM: > To:
> Subject: what Unit you serve with?
> From:
> Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 11:12:05 -0400


> so Veteran when did you serve and with what unit?
> You seem to be a blow hard know it all! People like you are a discrace to the uniform and it’s Herildry I bet your just some pissant wannabe or just some lowly NG SPC-1
> You can kiss my Devils Bigade Exellence Award and my ass.
> Get a life get a clue respect those who have sacrificed so you can be an arrogant dickhead with no life!
> I have one! and it does’nt inolve wasting my time here!

ME: From:
Subject: RE: what Unit you serve with?

Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 18:33:25 +0000

Well my angry little psycho friend, my brief bio is in the 'Post Your Unit Patches" thread…


Subject: RE: what Unit you serve with?
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 22:12:15 +0000

Nice slander now too, I at least I know the difference between right and wrong and abuse of power which you seem not to be able to comprehend.

you and you sad excuse for a forum and forum administrating can kiss my white ass

I’ll spend my time elsewhere where people are at least constructive and interested in getting some real work done, instead of flexing their computer egos and making a mockery of things…

didn’t they teach you to respect Honor and remember in the Military or do you just like to shit on the memory of the men who served before you and the people who are trying to preserve their memory and last but not least enable you to be such a dickhead guys like you are a dime a dozen.

I’ll Side with The Colonel again this forum is a total waste of time and full of blowhards and useless dickheads like you.

e-mail save for evidence of you shitty and slanderous behavior.

Have a nice life sitting in front of your computer wishing you could do what I do and actually have some merit and value in life besides being a full time unemployed forum moderator!

Semper Peratus dickhead.

ME: what Unit you serve with?‏
From: Nick D’Fresh (
Sent: Sun 8/16/09 10:51 PM
My, we’re so angry. BTW, which unit did you serve in my dyslexic, expatriate little buffoon? You don’t even live in the country that I’m supposedly disrespecting. You have no idea between the difference between right and wrong as you are a choleric, visceral little prick.

In the military, they taught me to honor people who weren’t posers and to treat people how I expected to be treated. Which is exactly what you are and I have no idea who “The Colonel” is. And if you don’t like the forum, then fuck off to a place that gives a shit. Nobody respects you, Lee Harvey Oswald. And why don’t you have a nice life sitting in front of your computer?

Dickhead. Go fuck a duck!


Nick’s last post demonstrates that psychotics lack insight.

I mean the posts by Prahl the Pompous Prick, who never served outside a reenactors’ unit in a make-believe army, not Nick who served in a real unit in a real army. (To the extent that Intelligence is a real unit. :wink: :D)

He is a strange one, thats for sure. Well if he comes back and starts up again I think it will be baneroonie time for him. His attitude towards the Mods etc certainly stinks, thats for sure.