Reported Post by Rising Sun*

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Just noticed alephh’s signature has a metal detector link which has nothing to do with WWII, but probably something to do with him making a few cents every time someone clicks on the link, and a WWII site link which I suspect is for the same reason.

Clearly the first link is unacceptable, but what about the second?

Post: Most Effective Tank of the war.
Forum: General WWII Discussion
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: alephh
Original Content:

[quote]Do you have any sources to back up your claims?

Are you seriously telling me that all four different patterns of T-34 turret hatch ‘jammed all the time’.

No, but several Russian veterans talk about it, several books mention it, and even the superficial wikipedia mentions it, so the turret hatch design could have not been 100% happy happy joy joy design :smiley:

I’m not saying T-34 was the worst tank of the war, but IMO it wasn’t the most efficient (which is the title of this thread). Sure T-34 caused some awe when it first appeared, because some of its design ideas were new, but even in 1941 and 1942 the kill ratio was horrible.

In “Tank Action” by George Forty, it is mentioned (page 175) that in 1941 more T-34s were lost due the low build quality than fighting Germans :smiley:

In later years, when some of the design flaws were fixed, T-34 had lost its momentum since Germans had also improved their tank designs.

In the end the Soviet Union produced such a large number of tanks, that it actually managed to overcome their appalling kill ratio on the field.

My question to you is this: If the T-34 was such a great tank, why did it have such a low kill ratio against the old German tanks, which suffered from the weather and the supply problems?

PS: I also dislike the over-engineered and inefficient German tank designs.[/quote]

Have you challenged him about it? Might be a personal blog - the weblinks don’t show the normal signs of being a referral link.