Reported Post by Rising Sun*

Rising Sun* has reported a post.


Surprisingly for someone who left us to go to boards where his knowledge was appreciated, he has lowered himself by returning to our fold.

But he’s still pushing his one-eyed ‘America won the war all by itself’ line.

I don’t think royal 744 will be too sympathetic to that line. And neither am I, because his ‘facts’ are wrong when it suits him to present his assertions as facts.

Anyone want to open a book on how long it will be before he takes his bat and ball and pisses off again because his wizardry with history has been challenged?

Post: What if Japan annexes Dutch East Indies instead of attacking USA?
Forum: Japanese Military
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: Wizard
Original Content:

The man does have anger issues, I have cautioned him (unofficially) on one, or two previous occasions about it, his responses to my friendly suggestions being belacose, even agitated. I give him a few weeks maybe before he blows a gasket and takes off again.

He also 100% alters text meanings, contravenes the spirit of the writers intent, and selectively edits his quotations from writers to assert views they never intended. I severally called him on this when he began misusing Tooze’s Wages of Destruction to contradict much of what Tooze was actually saying…

Do you feel that he is doing this deliberately , or just as misguided literary license?

One word, E-G-O! I think it has to be somewhat consciously deliberate though…

I think that’s about it.

He has to display that he knows more than the rest of us, even when he doesn’t.

I think I may have said this about him before, but I see him as the wizard in the Wizard of Oz. A little man hiding behind a curtain making big noises.


Given my recognition of Wizard as a tool, could anyone offer any convincing reason on why I am wasting my time responding to him when I know that he will just come back with more of his ‘America won the war because it was God’s anointed’ or whatever else it is that he thinks makes America the only force ordained by God or some other supreme force in the universe to win WWII?

If he has no entertainment value, and is purposly being obtuse, there isnt much reason to interact with him. Next time he huffs off, maybe the welcome mat should disappear.

I wouldn’t excommunicate him just because he’s an intellectual knob.

He has a lot of knowledge, albeit not always well applied in a dispassionate fashion, and it’s worth keeping him around for some higher level discussion. Even if he is full of shit some of the time!

My thought went to the probability of his putting out skewed information with deliberate intent. I can bear a Lummox, but not a double talker.

We’ll just keep an eye on him. I have a feeling this guy goes to board after board and either gets owned off it or banned…and after reading his latest responses, he really is a knob…

It’s interesting to see him bob and weave.

He introduces a topic or issue or makes an assertion but when met with a challenge he can’t rebut with facts, sources or reason he engages in various forms of sophistry, avoidance, denigrating the challenger or just plain sulking. (Actually, he could be a she. That conduct sounds like all my mates’ wives, whereas I have been blessed with a different sort of woman. :wink: :smiley: )

I think a good deal of his posting is intended to provoke conflict so he can shit on people to prove his intellectual superiority to himself.

Like most people of his ilk, he can’t handle it when he’s treated the same way. Which presumably is what happened on the other boards he left us for after announcing he would never again grace us with his magnificent presence and boundless knowledge. He must be desperate if he’s been forced to slum with us again.

I have noticed that he has been his usual graceful, and charming self in the Dutch East Indies thread, all very predictable, and boring. Horst has crawled out from his rock once again, so maybe things will liven up a bit in the short term. As for Mr. Wiz, its either confront his fractured facts at every turn, or ignore them altogether, bypassing him entirely. It will probably anger him more than challenging him.

It was fun for a while, but he bobs and weaves all over the place. Responding to him is more like herding cats than discussing history.

I’m sure he’ll come back with some graceful and helpful comment which, most probably, will amount to claiming victory because I don’t want to play any more. If so, it’s a battle I’m happy to lose.

You’re correct there, I’m sure he is busy commissioning a “Rocky” statue for himself. Sad really, he could be helpful.

Or possibly punching sides of beef in frustration when nobody will play with him. :smiley:

After a few raw eggs…

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.


It is only a few days since my last confession, but I can’t resist needling that pompous clown called Wizard.

And he probably feels the same about me.

The difference is, the angels are on my side. :wink: :smiley:

Well, at least that’s what the voices are telling me.

As well they should.


Thank you, Father, for absolving me of my sins. :smiley:

Although, try as I may, I cannot guarantee that I will not sin again. :frowning: