Reported Post by Rising Sun*

Rising Sun* has reported a post.


For all I know he is the most decorated soldier to have served in Vietnam, but so far all he’s contributed to this site is posting pictures of some of the far too many weapons he seems to own.

If he keeps it up it might be time to tell him that he’d fit in better on some gun lovers’ site rather than a military history site.

Post: My French connection
Forum: Other Military Units
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: MJ1
Original Content:


My thoughts exactly…

You might direct him to the Graybeard outdoors forums, they have loads of boards for firearm show, and tell. One in particular for military rifles. He may find it more gratifying, and forget about us.

He’s a total dullard but so far as I can tell isn’t actually breaking any rules, so if you tell him to bore off try to make clear you aren’t doing so as a mod but in a personal capacity…

Upon reflection, maybe we need him. His single post seems to represent about 25% of posts in the past day or two. :frowning:

There is a worrying decline in the rate and number of posts over the past few months, to the extent that the forum is becoming close to dormant.

We need to do something to reverse the trend. Alas, I don’t know what is required.

I’m contributing as much as I’d like due to time constraints. But another problem is the photo section seems to soak up much of the good discussion that should actually take place on a message board, not comments to a pic’s caption…that being said, I’m trying to contact Antony Beavor this week or next to see if I can reprint a few pages of his book with permission regarding a discussion that started in the German section regarding the effectiveness of Western Allied air-power against heavy armor.

Maybe people over there should be encouraged to discuss things on the board, as distinct from merely comment on a photo which is appropriate over there.

I have done so a time or two, citing the thought that others would enjoy the image, and discussion. maybe its time to remind them.