Reported Post by Rising Sun*

Rising Sun* has reported a post.


Nothing warranting any action, but I’ve reported it because it builds on Nick’s and TG’s opinions elsewhere in the mod room that J.A.W. seems to like contentious posts which don’t add much to the discussion.

I saw the reported post last night and decided not to reply on a topic which interests me because I couldn’t see it going anywhere, not least because J.A.W. hasn’t demonstrated the remotest grasp of the history, powers and complexities of MacArthur, Hirohito and Yamashita in his facile comments in the reported post. And what makes the US unusual in not wanting its troops commanded by another nation?

See also #2 here , which needlessly and inaccurately refers to Britain being under “US occupation” before regurgitating tired lines which had ceased to be genuinely funny by about the end of 1943 when the Yanks were in Britain (and Australia, where the same lines were used) and making major contributions to preserve the freedom of people there and, in time, in Western Europe to make such comments without fear of being marched off to a concentration / work / death camp of the sorts run by the Germans and Japanese.

I think J.A.W. likes tossing a hand grenade into his posts so he can react to the reaction. Which is all very well, as long as his position hasn’t been registered by MGs, mortars, and artillery. :slight_smile:

Post: The sad military politics of war
Forum: General WWII Discussion
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: J.A.W.
Original Content:

“Dug out Doug” MacArthur had the wrong Japanese commander executed…[should’ve been Hirohito] - possibly due to Yamashita being a far better general…

& U.S. politics has always found it difficult [if not impossible] to accept a foreigner as being in charge of G.I.s

He WAS finally sacked when Truman had to stop him nuking China over the Korean war…

Amateur politician commanders such as Stalin, Hitler & Churchill were prone to over-rule/sack their military commanders on ideological/political/ego grounds partly due to the perceived poor performance of WW1 Generals when given a free hand.