Reported Post by tankgeezer

tankgeezer has reported a post.


This seems like spam to me, with a subtle top note of nazi troll. what do you all think?

Post: The Nazi book craze
Forum: General WWII Discussion
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: TigerBites
Original Content:

Funny thing is what he says is correct, I’ve just had my book, ‘Operation Werwolf’ published on Amazon as a Kindle book, and guess what, it’s got a swastika on the front!!

I had that immediate impression but, due to my well-known charitable nature and befuddled brain, after trying to work out what he meant I allowed the possibility that he was referring to a book in his possession rather than one he wrote.

Well, to be fair, I happened to wake up at 5:30 am, and found that, and (for me) the condition of awakening at an early hour is equal to 5 quick pints on a hot day, I just hit the report button. He is probably speaking your brand of English, (something I should have suspected from his lavish use of many, and different words in one sentence.) :slight_smile:

It’s germane to the topic and not very spammy, so let it slide for the time being - the sort of thing you let them get away with doing once…

The poster’s a bit shady just by nature of registering and posting in a thread related to Nazi-fetishism and fanboism. But yeah, we’ll give him more rope…

I wake up a lot earlier than that most days but have a rarely rewarded desire for more sleep which discourages me from getting out of bed, and certainly from looking at a computer. Admittedly, the early awakening may have something to do with having more than 5 pints the night before.


I am ****ing lavish in my ****ing use of only one ****ing word many ****ing times in one ****ing sentence. :smiley:

My son must be Australian, he has a shirt that is printed in that fashion.