Reported Post by tankgeezer

tankgeezer has reported a post.


This post seems to come from a person who previously posted under the name RedRichthofen (non hyphenated) using nearly the same IP located in Texas. this female previously said she was an AuPare,and not located in Texas, and was in my mind just a phoney playing games. It appears that He/She/It has returned with If you all would care to indulge yourselves, go for it.

Post: Information about a German helmet
Forum: Other Research
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: Red-Richthofen
Original Content:

Hello. I am a private investigator, and my current client is trying to discover the origin of some of his German WWII military items.

I am particularly struggling with the helmet he has given me. If anyone knows anything about it, or leads they can give me, so that I may help find the owner or at least the origin of this helmet. Here is as much detail as I could observe from it:

It is a classic German WWII helmet, called a stahlhelm. On one side is the black white and red shield, and on the other side is the Luftwaffe eagle (the eagle slanted forward) holding a swastika. It is a relatively small helmet: I am a female, and it does not fit my head. Of course the leather inside is aged. There is a name on the inner back side of the helmet, in white paint, that says JOOP. There is also a serial number, or a stamped number. It is N105. That is about all we have. It is in not the best condition, so obviously it was worn during the war.

If there is anything that anyone could tell me, that would help me a lot. Thank you!

This German Au pair story is definitely fake, let’s watch her/him closely.

You want to maybe ask her a few cunning questions about the helmet in German? :wink:

Dug more into the IP addresses, read the posts and then gave her a formal warning (largely for having multiple accounts).

I’ll keep that in mind as an “ultima ratio”, I remember a German line posted by her containing the typical twisted word order of a machine translation site.
After all I’m sure she’ll post herself into an early virtual grave anyway…