Reported Post by tankgeezer

tankgeezer has reported a post.


This is the same guy as Sweet, and the one before him that I have banned. same “location”, same insipid posting. I.P.'s are similar. I want to ban him again, but will wait if you would like to engage him a bit.

Post: Stuka vs. IL-2
Forum: General WWII Discussion
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: goodlily
Original Content:

It would be nice for you to come back and answer or at least participate in the ones you have started instead of starting yet another one.

His post in the Stuka vs. IL-2 thread is a copied line of one of leccy’s posts - typical spammer’s habbit.
Let’s get rid of it…

He’s gone. He again signed up under the name “Good” he’s now 4 times banned, posted the usual garbage, either nonsense, or cut n’ paste bits of other’s posts. Waiting for his next attempt, all of his I.P.'s are in Beijing China. So far, he’s used Sweet, Goodlily, Goodcandy, and then just Good. (perhaps the next one will be Goo.)