Reported Post by tankgeezer

tankgeezer has reported a post.


Just found this fellow, he has made a number of posts, each of which has a commercial link to his book, which is pretty much a German apologist work. Since he has interacted with several threads, I have not deleted anything yet, though I would like to. But you all may wish to have a look at this guy’s posts. This is one which he posted to three separate threads. I have posted a notice to him, we’ll see what he’s about.

Post: World War II invasion of America:
Forum: General WWII Discussion
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: hodieb khalifa
Original Content:

"There were two persons behind the outbreak of WWII and consequently of the Holocaust: the pigheaded Colonel Beck of Poland and Envious Criminal Churchill of England. Read NEIN - Hodieb Khalifa-

Since he/it is redundantly spamming the board with the same quotes and commercial links, I’m banning this thing.

I left it as a “soft” delete meaning it’s still on the server, so anyone can review my decision. I would have no problem with discussion, but this guy is just cut and pasting quotes everywhere…

I support the banning, I didn’t see any real value in the posts but thought some might enjoy toying with him/it.

I just logged on specifically to ban him, but you beat me to it. He’s broken two insta-ban rules IMO - commercial advertising without paying Procyon, and nazis are the best thing since sliced bread/everything bad wasn’t the German’s fault. The latter we can sometimes tolerate for a time (if they’re actually contributing otherwise), but he wasn’t.

Yeah, I was also offended by the redundant quotes…

You unthinking, arrogant bastards!

You have dismissed not only the Prime Mover of the Egyptian Revolution of January 25, 2011 but also the Would-be Commander of the German Construction Army that will reconstruct Europe, the Middle East and Africa, among his many other impressive achievements and qualifications.

It’s people like you who are holding back the dawn of the new world which is offered by someone who has integrated the often conflicting strands of “Divine Harmony, religions, history, physics, astrophysics, biology, geology, renewable energy sources, environment conservation and sustainable development, project management, philosophy, sociology, psychology, literature, military tactics and strategy.” to produce the salvation of Europe and the planet as summarised at which, among other things, will deal with the problem of Arabs with trillions, or trillions of Arabs.

Personally, I’m prepared to listen to anyone who will deal with the problem of Arabs anywhere. :wink: :smiley:


He’s also apparently invented a flying saucer, although the full patent appears to be hidden somewhere (only in Arabic?)

Maybe someone should let him know that he can probably buy one of the old Silver Bug saucers at a surplus auction… Don’t know what Egyptians are smoking these days, but he must have a patent on that as well. :slight_smile:

It’s entirely possible he’s invented a flying saucer. After all, for an Arab it’s really a backward step from an unpowered flying carpet.

I can’t believe that those evil BP greedy bastards didn’t use his thermite bomb concrete fill idea to cap the well in the Gulf in 2010! It sounds brilliant. :mrgreen:

That site looks like something The Onion wrote…