tankgeezer has reported a post.
Is IMI just having some weird fun here, or is he serious? We spin some whoppers at times for humor, or to grind on a troll or something, but not stuff like this.
Post: “Poles killed more Jews than Germans during war”.
Forum: General WWII Discussion
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy
Posted by: imi
Original Content:
I don’t care if you want to believe your anti-Jewish paranoid fantasies, but this forum isn’t the place to do it.
A little bit history from my life not “paranoid fantasies”:
I am contact in 2003 until 2008 a russian jew born stylist in here Hungary.
He was working in the hungarian television and media and he also a insane cocain addict alcoholist in his private life and a egoist who look down everybody who have no got money or power.
One day he affront one of my letter and what was the next step?
We have new neighbors after a few weeks, two jew looking person: a short middle age jew looking man and a good looking younger jew looking woman
One day after I arrived home, the lock on the front door is wrecked a little bit, I could hardly open looks like someone is picking the lock. (before that day the lock was worked well all time)
After a few weeks I go a standard blood test and look what happened?
I am a Hepatitis C positive
The big question is:
How I became HCV positive?
a) when my ex then-girlfriend not slept with anyone only with me and we both was healthy
b) I have not been in a hospital setting that time
c) I do not have any injuries that time
d) I have did not meet with any doctor or patient that time
e) I have never any sexual sickness in my life
I tell the secret: the two new neighbors was Jew secret agent with lockpick and a Hepatitis C virus sample.
They wait when I leave my home and pick the lock and infect my food with HCV virus in my refrigerator when I am not at home
And what do you think who is behind it all?
My huffish russian jew stylist friend who thinks this is the right penalty for a anger?
Now I am HCV positive rest of my life thanks for the Jews, because they are not the Evils in this Earth, only constantly - all time dramatic Holocaust survivors - and the nation who must be sorry to everyone
The question is: we sorry the Holocaust but who sorry those victims the Jews killed or infected lethal viruses?
I drop the Jew theme now, but remember the reality is this in here, not what you see in the television and this is not nazism, not anti semitism, and not paranoid fantasy, these are the Jews if you like or not