Reported Post by Uyraell

Uyraell has reported a post.


Moderartors: PLease try to educate the person that posted the inane drivel I read in the post I reported.

Post: For Americans : Without being upset ???
Forum: German Military
Assigned Moderators: pdf27, George Eller, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, flamethrowerguy

Posted by: rileykathleen
Original Content:

Do you think that Germany is better than USA in fast developing !! i mean in WWII Germany was so powerful and i think that they have massive abilities in all fields … but in the military aspect … do you think that Germany makes the best weapons ??? … i read that all sniper rifles put scopes from Karl Zeiss … and he was a German guy !!!

ok and for (Real American) : You say so coz u r american … and you love your country but german made Stg44 Machine guns … and their navy … though small … but made you huge damage … and don’t forget what they did in Tabruq … i know more history than you do pal … and i assure you if US was fighting germany alone … germany would be the winner !

As for (Prince) : you say that Germany is nothing without US … but after WWI Germany became more Powerful in a few years … and almost waged war on all Europe and US … coz Italy was shitty (Sorry for that) … so Germany can do without US ! …