Republicans VS Democrats


Republican: Think government is best when smallest.
Democrat: Think government should be all things to all people.

Republican: Respect liberty of the individual.
Democrat: Take liberty from individual and send it to Washington.

Republican: Hold taxes lower to strengthen local government.
Democrat: Raise taxes higher to strengthen Federal government.

Republican: Believe the free-enterprise system is the key to individual and national prosperity.

Democrat: Stifle business, especially small business, with endless regulation, paperwork and red tape.

Republican: Believe in the importance of the traditional role of the family.

Democrat: Implement social programs that hurt the traditional role of the family.

Republican: Involve local government in decision-making process for education.

Democrat: Dictate more mandates from Federal and state government for education.

Im ready fire away… :lol:

What are you talking about mike, wtf? No wonder, god, you live in the south, no wonder your idea on politics in America is so blinded.

1.Republicans created the patriot act aka take away more freedom from the public.

2.Having lower taxes screws everyone over, you know why? Because the base of all taxes goes to the federal branch NOT THE LOCAL, when you have excess money from taxes, then money goes into local funds.

3.Since Republicans started to “Take over the country” the unemployed has drastically increased.

4.Traditional roles in family? You don’t think women have the right to work? That’s kind of small-minded

5.If the school part was true, then the school education wouldn’t be plummeting as it is now.

You know mike, you shouldn’t make your judgments on what the republicans SAY they were going to do when elected, but their actions now. If you knew the whole situation in America I think you would switch your opinions on which side is better, my god, educate yourself on politics and not just what your friends and family say, because they are not always right… IN THIS CASE REALLY.

Democrats will further this country, look back on history, what good did republicans do for this nation throughout the 20th century and the 21st? Maybe one or two good things, but usually the democrats that are elected have to sweep up the mess the reds have left for them. Really, look back on political history them give me your insites.

Republicans should never be voted for, and the people that vote for them probably are unsure of what they but they are sure of one thing, they don’t want gay people or abortions, because that is what looses most of their votes.

Mike, go read a book on politics… I’m not kidding, go read a book on past politics and looks up newer politics somewhere too. Don’t back-sass me on that I am wrong because I have been debating politics for a very long time, regardless of my age I am well educated for it, and for that it is irrelevant.

Once again, Keep in mind that I’m talking about America, I don’t want people from other countries yelling at me because they think I am including them too :frowning: I honestly don’t have the slightest clue on what’s going on in Europe.

StalingradK, Your 14 years old, What do you know about taxes? Your parents must be Democrats so that means you are too. Thats cool…my 10 year old son is a republican…ask him. LOL

Quite - there’s no point in argueing politics with a 14 year old who has not actually had enough time on this earth to experience the impact of various policies.

And btw, looking at Europe is very important for the US, since that is the way that the Democrats want to take the US. For example, economic growth rates which are considered a recession in the US are unthinkably high for Europe; unemployment levels which are terribly high for the US are unthinkably low for Europe.

Low taxes and low regulation benefit everyone who wants to work - it enables small businesses to grow & employ more people (reducing unemployment & promoting economic growth) - small businesses are one of the big driving forces behind the American economy - it was surprising when I went to the US just how many small-businesses there are. This is not the case in Europe, since the taxes & paperwork requirements make it hard to start a small business at all.

If you don’t want to work, why should you receive any more than a subsistance allowance? If you actually can’t work that’s a different matter, but there are too many people who are now choosing welfare as a career.

To put it in 14 year old perspective, as someone alluded to on the other thread, why should you share your grade point average to benefit the “poor” (i.e. the dim) and those that don’t want to study? Why should you be punished for studying hard by having a progressively higher proportion of your GPA siphoned off to give to the people who sit at the back of the class & throw paper aeroplanes at each other all day? Wouldn’t it gall you if you saw your GPA with 30% taken off just because you’d been successful, whereas someone with a low GPA has 30% added just because he’s lazy?

the republican goverment is racist,discriminatory,

Republican: Involve local government in decision-making process for education.

are you sure?,in the case,you should be talking about the ideas of the comunity,who ensure to care to the population,specially,when there are aislationated sectors of the society.

Democrat: Implement social programs that hurt the traditional role of the family.

the social programs are helpful,since there are families who dont take care of their sons,and dont have enough knowledgment and information to educate their children

Believe the free-enterprise system is the key to individual and national prosperity.

when where the industries better,when clinton or bush?.
the free enterprise is good for usa,and not good for the rest,but,usa needs to have again the same prosperity

Republican: Respect liberty of the individual.

yes,of the individual of white ethnic :lol: .

Democrats:Raise taxes higher to strengthen Federal government.

yes,but,if the economy is better,the dolar has more value,and the thing are cheaper,i guess the taxes will not be too much bloody for the people.

Democrat: Think government should be all things to all people.

:wink: ,agree.

Again, Erwin, you might like to ask Condi Rice & Colin Powell whether their party is racist and discriminatory :roll:

Views like that was the reason for this thread, that is a prejudice view and ignorant belief. I will post republican facts and let the people with an open mind decide for themselves. :wink:

ASK TO SCHWARZENEGER (or like his name is wrote)

Wow, your “facts” on republicans are dumbfounded. Colin Powell retired by the way, and Condi Rice has contemplated on leaving many times as states in newspapers and CNN. There is no room for a person of color in a republican country. And like I said, my age is irrelevant in this case. My parents and family who’s not just democrats, some republicans, debate politics all the time… Gets tiring after a while too. And taxes? If you don’t want to give money to further your country, go live in a freakin 3rd world hell hole like Ethiopia.

Your “facts” are so construde and untrue to real life that I am getting quite frustrated trying to tell you the real deal. And Man of Stoat… please shut up, do not compair America’s situation to what it would be like in Europe. Seriously, that’s not compairing apples and oranges.

Your iggnorance Man of Stoat is also what is driving each nation down into the dirt. Once you make a better living environment with better schools and education, everyone as a people can make a better life for themselves. The more people that think like you, the further we get taken back from a “Utopian” goal.

Another thing is, you don’t live in America, you do not understand everything that goes on in this country. The taxes and cuts you experience are probably very different than from here.

In a sense, anyone who doesn’t want to pay taxes is selfish and greedy “the life of a republican” is what that is. And I help pay taxes in my family, I am well aware of the figures and glad to help my community with the job I have come around April 15th. This world isn’t fair and I have realized it early in my life. Seems you haven’t yet. :?

It is republicans that are ruining this world with their cutbacks and low taxes. If you do not care about human life and living conditions be a republican.

And enough with well black people are in the republican party, why is it racist? Well one thing, the black people are getting screwed over :lol: and black member only make up about 5% of the party, not even.

Vote Democraticly if you want a better world with less violence, more educated people, and cleaner cities and towns.

Not to mention, Bush is a republican, that brings down the Republicans fifty cajillion points :lol:

If the republicans had a saying, I think it would go something like this… “Make the rich richer and the poor poorer… WHITE POWER!”.

George W. Bush has appointed more minorities to high-level government positions than any other president.

George Bush has taken action to create opportunities for minorities through improved education and increased homeownership. His No Child Left Behind education reform was designed to close the achievement gap between white and minority students.

President Bush set a national goal of helping 5.5 million minorities become homeowners.

Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, the two highest-ranking black leaders in American history, Rod Paige, the secretary of education, and Alphonso Jackson, the secretary of housing and urban development–both black, both in President Bush’s cabinet. Dont forget Mr. ken blackwell, Sec of State,Mr. Mike Steele, Lt. Gov., Ms. jenette bradley, Lt. Gov. all black

Would you like me to go into Hispanic and japanese??

And you say its a Racist party. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Too bad what George Bush says he’s doing isn’t happening.

Are you kidding!!!,tell that to the mexicans living in usa :lol: :lol: :lol: .
schwarzeneger :lol:

What? Now I think you are just making stuff up, lol, give me their names and photos to comfirm their race.

And Condi Rice and Powell gained most of their power when Clinton was in office… Kind of ironic huh? Lately a lot of good well known politicians have been retiring, and you ask why? The republican rule.

Your 14…if you have to help your family pay taxes you must be very poor. which means you are possibly on public assistance or welfare. Now I understand why you think its the governments responsibility to take care of you.

I don’t have a problem paying taxes ( I paid over $16,000) last year, I just don’t want to pay MORE so people can sit home on there ass while I stay away from my family and work.

HAH you wish, my mother is a PA (doctor) and my father is in the AF Reserves as a medic who also works at a Psyche Facility. I pay my dues because I feel the need to, not because I have to, I proved you wrong in everything, now don’t try to sucker punch me because you cannot do it.

Your 14…if you have to help your family pay taxes you must be very poor. which means you are possibly on public assistance or welfare. Now I understand why you think its the governments responsibility to take care of you.

I don’t have a problem paying taxes ( I paid over $16,000) last year, I just don’t want to pay MORE so people can sit home on there ass while I stay away from my family and work.[/quote]yeah,you are right,vote the republicans,then,the taxes will be the same,but your salary,the dollar value,and the industries will fall underground.

Your mother is a doctor and she has you help pay her taxes? :shock: You have proven nothing, IM not going to argue with a 14 year old. :wink:

You have not received a check where they take taxes out have you?

Go out and get a rep. ( reputation ) and then we will talk.

Democrats seem to believe that government can create jobs. They favor higher taxes and spending, and bigger government which diminishes the private sector and individual freedom. Democrats continue to support heavy regulations and mandates that stifle entrepreneurial spirit (jobs) and economic growth.

Democrats in the legislature continue to vote against requiring welfare recipients to work and against placing time limits on welfare.

The Republican Party believes it is important that we assist those truly in need, those who, for whatever reason, are not able to provide for themselves.

Dude are you even reading what I post? I’m saying I take money from my salvary and help pay taxes… I DON’T NEED TO DO IT, I CHOOSE TO SMARTIE… And how you are doing with this “Arguement” with a 14 year-old is pretty bad… This isn’t really and arguement anymore, it’s Erwin and I proving you wrong in every situation so far :lol:

And I know what taxes would take out of my pay, I spend most of it on charity anyways :roll: Like I said before, you have no idea how my life is and how I live it. I’m not exactly one of those teenages who’s cocky and has no views on life yet or politics.

And Erwin and I have prooven plenty LoL, you just choose to iggnore it like a little child.

My age is pretty irrelevant in this thread, but if you can’t get past that, you are doomed.