What are you talking about mike, wtf? No wonder, god, you live in the south, no wonder your idea on politics in America is so blinded.
1.Republicans created the patriot act aka take away more freedom from the public.
2.Having lower taxes screws everyone over, you know why? Because the base of all taxes goes to the federal branch NOT THE LOCAL, when you have excess money from taxes, then money goes into local funds.
3.Since Republicans started to “Take over the country” the unemployed has drastically increased.
4.Traditional roles in family? You don’t think women have the right to work? That’s kind of small-minded
5.If the school part was true, then the school education wouldn’t be plummeting as it is now.
You know mike, you shouldn’t make your judgments on what the republicans SAY they were going to do when elected, but their actions now. If you knew the whole situation in America I think you would switch your opinions on which side is better, my god, educate yourself on politics and not just what your friends and family say, because they are not always right… IN THIS CASE REALLY.
Democrats will further this country, look back on history, what good did republicans do for this nation throughout the 20th century and the 21st? Maybe one or two good things, but usually the democrats that are elected have to sweep up the mess the reds have left for them. Really, look back on political history them give me your insites.
Republicans should never be voted for, and the people that vote for them probably are unsure of what they but they are sure of one thing, they don’t want gay people or abortions, because that is what looses most of their votes.
Mike, go read a book on politics… I’m not kidding, go read a book on past politics and looks up newer politics somewhere too. Don’t back-sass me on that I am wrong because I have been debating politics for a very long time, regardless of my age I am well educated for it, and for that it is irrelevant.
Once again, Keep in mind that I’m talking about America, I don’t want people from other countries yelling at me because they think I am including them too I honestly don’t have the slightest clue on what’s going on in Europe.