Reputation systems

In your opinion would a Reputation system that gives positive or negative points for individual posts be a worthwhile addition to this site?

I am aware that this can and does cause problems on some other sites but it also can be a positive encouragement to thoughtful posts.

i voted for it although i am skeptical as to whether or not it should be on a forum where posts often turn into debates

We do already have something similar with the “Outstanding Post” medal. Beyond that I don’t care - where used on other sites I simply ignore it. Reputation systems tend to be pretty unobtrusive, so if you don’t like them or use them it’s really easy to ignore them.

I’m against anything that encourages thought. :smiley:

Seriously, it’s not an idea I favour, if only because the risk of a negative rating will discourage some people from posting and encourage complaints about negative ratings awarded.

Awarding ratings, good or bad, is a highly subjective exercise which is likely to cause more harm than good.

There’s nothing to stop an informal “Good post” from a mod or anyone else under the current system.

If you guys are interested then im sure we can do something about it. However I like the awards system for this representation. You get awards for positive actions. I dont like acknowledgments for negative actions. Although you can get an infraction point for those … yet we usually dont advertise that fact.

It would something interesting to see, but I am not diying for it, aniway if somebody can do it go for it.

I’m not advocating it, merely enquiring about it. Only 6 members have responded so I think we should let it run its course.

My post was merely to see if guys thought it would enhance or detract from the site, so far all options appear to be even.

It is interesting, but seems to be adding more steps to get to the same place. I would not favor the addition of such a system.

i’m not saying it would be a large problem, i mean hell i dont fight with anyone so i should be fine, i just don’t want somebody giving someone else negative points in a moment of rage cause they disagree

I dont care ethier way but it would be cool and it could feel like xbox live but its up to the moderators

IMO, reputation system may increase the quality of posts, but decrease the amount of them.

So, do moderators want more posts (=more traffic), or more quality posts?


At the site I mod on, we have a “star-system” that I’ve grown to find to be, well, gay…

Firstly, the actual “best posters” often do not have five stars (scale of one to five), and I get really annoyed when I see posts like, “great! five stars comin’ at cha’!”

“Hey thanks, five stars back at cha!” It’s just a bit cheesy. Especially when we had the crazy interweb bitch of a troll to end all crazy internet trolls (banned from every Van Halen related board for making, and often carrying out, threats). One of the more benign things she would do is create dozens (if not close to 100s) of aliases and vote one-stars to people she hated, and so she would have a back up user-ID when banned…

If you did a system, a better one would be a system in which a positive or negative point is given, and the rater must write a comment on what the rating is all about. I guess that’s okay…

i know what you mean, a couple years ago i once was threatened with being banned from a forum because i was on there registered but rarely posted, however any thread you went to had 80% BS posts, Great Post!, WOW!!! Coolio, OMG!! thats so funny!