Researching a potential Nazi Elite

Hey guys,

I’m currently trying to research an individual that I suspect might have been up in the Nazi elite. He was allegedly a famous concert pianist between 1940 - 1960, spending most of his time at first in Germany, and after WW2 in South America, among the German Nazi Elite down there.
He was living for a while (I suspect the last 10 years or so) in Canada, and has now been expelled, as he immigrated illegally.

I know his full name, date and location of birth. Can anyone give me any hints as to where I could start searching?

I won’t write his name here (privacy reason, etc), but anybody genuinely interested in helping me research this dude can PM me and I’ll send him the data.

What I’m most curious about is whether or not he might still be wanted, potential crimes, etc.


Careful, someone might set an unannounced and reluctant dental appointment for you…:slight_smile:

I reckon it’s Richard Clayderman, with a fake identity and obvious plastic surgery making him look a lot younger but still unable to conceal his Aryan looks.

He is wanted internationally for crimes against music, and the sooner he’s caught and prevented from spreading his mind-numbing poison the better. :smiley: