Return from Malta - Italian Forces | Gallery

Return from Malta

The Reggiane Re.2001 number 4 of the 2nd Gruppo Caccia’s 152nd Squadriglia of Italian Regia Aeronautica’s returned to its Sicilian base heavy damaged after a fierce fight with the RAF over Malta, Summer 1942. This little fighter, armed with four machine guns on the standard version, two 12,7 mm on the nose and two 7,7 mm on the wings, engine the DB601, was mainly employed over Malta from May 1942 also in collaboration with the MC.202s sharing the duties: Re.2001s bombers direct escort, MC.202s the indirect escort on altitude. During the campaign of 1942, within the space of a month, the 2nd Gruppo had two leaders KIA: Lieut. Col. Aldo Quarantotti, on 12 July, and Maggiore Pier Giuseppe Scarpetta, on 14 August. Victor Sierra

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Hello Antonio. Would you like to post some photos of your father during the war in Spain?