Revenge of the Maquis (2) - French Forces | Gallery

Revenge of the Maquis (2)

The revenge of the Maquis. France, summer 1944.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Yox, I appreciate your candor, especially when this is no doubt a very sore subject for the French peoples. While history may have burdened the French with the stain of collaboration, one must never forget the true French resistance fighters, whether they blew up Nazi trains and bridges to stymie troop movements being sent too Normandy, or the ones who found, hid, fed, and shepharded downed Allied Airman to freedom. And we all should never forget the ultimate sacrifice’s paid by the residents of Oradour-sur-Glane and other villages like it. Acts of kindness and friendship that they paid for with their lives! I once had a very negative view of the French’s involvement in WW2, but learning about Oradour and other selfless, random acts of kindness that were paid for in blood, has softened my position considerably. That, and the realization that while I sit here typing in the U.S. of A, my country that, while sent millions of their fathers, sons, brothers, etc… too fight and die in a War that had to be fought, never were put too the acid test that most of Europe was put thru, that test being, when your back is up against the wall, what will you do? Being an American, one who has honorably served his country voluntarily, I can with a reasonable certainty say that alot of Americans would of resisted any oppressor on their soil. But I also can with a reasonable certainty say, not all, some would try and seek some sort of accomadation. And it also should be noted that while we lost an inordinate amount of soldiers in such a relative short period, in WW1, it was nothing compared too the losses suffered by the French, British, and Germans in WW1. Such a loss could not help but too give a people a tiredness for war.

Wow, what a bunch of heroes!!!