
How about posting information, about rewards of different countries, why were they given, how did they look like e.t.c.

What you mean by “rewards”?

Medals, orders, signs e.t.c

sorry, but i have abs no idea of whats this about, sorry

Its about Medels, after you have served in battle, am I right?? I have a two medels from my grandfather, the medels are split up between my brothers and me, and I have the one who served in the air-force. You can actually sell the medels to a musuem and depending on how common they are you can get alot of money, not that I will ever sell mine and niether should you.

sorry, but i have abs no idea of whats this about, sorry

to understand look at (US Rewards)
the site is in russian but you can look at fotos. And pay attention to 17. It seems I have seen a bird like that somewhere!

For Romania (in WW2):

In the Untired States the highest award is the Medal of Honor

Best medal of the SU. Named “Victory”. Size - 72 mm. Have a 170 diamonds with mass 16 karats.

A List of all British Medals and Awards

great site Andrew!

I thought that the best medal was the “Hero of the Soviet Union” medal? BTW do they have something like that now in Russia?

you can find info about almost every medal of every country on wikipedia.

I thought that the best medal was the “Hero of the Soviet Union” medal? BTW do they have something like that now in Russia?[/quote]

The “Hero” was medal for heroes. Any soldier can have it for his own heroism. But “Victory” was special medal for supreme strategic command and planning. Only 16 examples of that medal was maded. Now theran’t a country which have such medal. The cost only of diamonds and ruby is about $ 1.200.000. Only SU was able to spend such moneys to awards…

As I mentioned previously in other topic King Michael of Romania was awarded by Stalin with “Pobeda” or “Victory” medal (as I remeber in 1945 or 1946).

Yep. Also (from foreigners) were awarded:

I. B. Tito
M. Rolya-Zhimerskiy
B. L. Montgomery
D. Eisenhower

A group of South African medals

A typical WW2 group awarded to a South African including the Africa service medal on the right.(1939-45)

This info comes from

Cool pics Gen.! I recognize a few!!! Actually I recognize all of them! I have two other brothers and we shared the medals up, I got two of my grandfather in the Air force, but I suspect that the one in the infantry had more medals. I forgot wht they look like.

One of the identical medals on the left is the Italy Star (i possese one) and the thrid one to the right, the one with a man with some hat on, is the War medel 1939-45 (i possese one). I dont know wht the other star is though, but the one on the far right, is the Africa Service Medal.