RGBW saved!

Good news chaps (well i hope so anyway)
The RGBW might yet be saved, a chum of mine was speaking to some general (dubious source i know) and he told him that future army structure may have to change as the disbanding of the four infantry battalions is no longer viable as we will still be left with a lot of overstrech, what’s different i hear you cry! Well apparently some bigwigs are connvincing HM gov to change their minds. RGBW will still probably be merged to create a two battalion regiment (probably with the D&Ds) but it’ll mean the battalion survives and so will it’s traditions!

Disclaimer: I heard this from a friend so the probability of it being 100% true is very low, still i trust my friend and i live in hope.

FAS being scrapped can only be a good thing, last thing we need is to get rid of four battalions.

I bet nobody has told Grasping Gordon, and unless he stumps up more cash it’s still curtains.
As an aside there is something to be said for two battalion regiments in terms of flexibility but I think that multiple amalgamations into faceless superregimants like is proposed for Scotland will make manning worse, not better.

Though in the case of amalgamating the yorkshire regiments, that doesn’t seem too bad as they’ll all be from the same county, although i appreciate there are differences between each one of the ridings at least they all speak with the same ‘yorkshire yammer’.

can someone explain to me why the RGBW crest says “Egypt”?

It’s a battle honour - my granddad’s old regiment (South Lancashire Regiment - now part of the Queen’s Lancashire Regiment) also had Egypt on their badge.

According to “the citizen” The local Glocuestershire Rag, the Egypt backbadge will continue into the newly amalgamated regiment - though I feel that every local paper of the involved counties is promising their backbadge will continue.