Richard Winters Passed Away

I read this today…

Rest Honoured, Major Richard Winters.

“They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn,
At the going down of the sun, we will remember them,
We WILL Remember Them.”

– Laurance Binyan. –

{In both Australia and New Zealand, the above “Binyan’s Lines” are said aloud every ANZAC Day, April 25th. ANZAC Day is that Day upon which the Armed Forces personnel who Served and died in the various wars are Remembered.}

It is an honour for me to here write , with Great Respect, the Lines used for the Honour of Memory, for Major Richard Winters. He is as worthy of those highly emotionally symbolic Lines as are my own countrymen, who also Served their nation, and mankind.

With Great and deep Respect, Uyraell.

But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

–William Shakespeare

R.I.P Major Di<k Winters…

He made a deal with God.

If he survived the war he would live in peace for the rest of his life.

He kept his side of the deal.

And God kept His.

Rest in peace Sir.