Rifle Grenades


I heard that British and Germans used the Rifle grenades extensively in their campaigns early in the war, my question is, was it far better to use RG or grenades itself like the Mills or M24? Also, does anyone have high quality pics of it?

And, how does one fire their rifle grenade? I can’t find any info about it in Google so help me out please! :slight_smile:

I dont have any pictures, but usually there was an adaptor fitted to the muzzle, a tubular, or spigot extension that the R.G. would slide onto. A blank cartridge made for the purpose would be chambered, and the rifle positioned to launch the grenade. Firing is the usual trigger squeeze.

You also had the cup discharger which worked in a similar way.

Obvious advantage: you can make them go further.

Not so obvious advantage: with the spigot type you can use shaped charge grenades against armour.

Most modern military rifles can fire spigot type rifle grenades without any special devices, since the flash suppressor and barrel are shaped to allow this. Also, most modern rifle grenades can be fired using normal ball ammunition. They either have a bullet trap or are of the “shoot through” type in which the bullet imparts energy by passing through several plates.

That’s interesting. We always used a ‘Balastite’ cartridge, which was basically a-more-powerful-than-your-usual blanc.

Aha,thanks for the replies!

Does the adapter fit into any weapons or specifically for ARs and Rifles?

I remember seeing G-43s to be made to fire Rifle grenades…does the SMGs work similarly or not? Is it possible for MP40s to fire R.Gs?

I also understand that the Brits uses rifle grenades as bunker busters to hit the Germans

No, it is not possible to fire a rifle grenade from a straight blowback weapon such as the MP 40. The name gives it away: RIFLE grenades. the lightest weapon to use these was the M1 carbine.

If I remember correctly, the Garand spigot had a cunning valve which automatically shut the rifle’s gas system off when a grenade was fired instead of a round of ball.

well, rifle grenades have a longer range than most human arms, but while the rifle grenade is fitted you cant fire regular bullets

wondering if this is a RG?

That chap has the German cup discharger fitted to his rifle.

You can found more info here:
