
July 2002:

Quoted from the Guardian:
It will go down in history as the first military invasion of western European soil since the second world war. In a secret operation carried out by sea, Moroccan soldiers took the Spanish-owned Isla del Perejil late on Thursday [11.07.2002], hoisted their country’s red and green flag from its highest point, set up camp and waited for the Spaniards to try to take the land back.
End quote.

Another quote:
Heroic conquest by Moroccan troops and planting of the Moroccan flag on a tiny, rocky island also claimed by Spain, to mark the wedding of King Mohammed VI. Heroic reconquista by Spanish commandos, and planting of the Spanish flag, to rounds of patriotic applause in Madrid. So far the only reported casualties have been a few goats. End quote

Quoted from: http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Parsley-Island
Isla Perejil (Parsley Island, Arabic: Leila (“night”)) is a small, rocky island in the Mediterranean Sea, 200m off the coast of Morocco, 5km from Ceuta. Technically, it is territory of Spain, as it is not mentioned in Morocco’s independence treaty, but it is claimed by Morocco.
In 1415 Portugal conquered the island. In 1580-1640 Portugal was united with Spain. The island has been under Spanish control since 1668, but it is claimed by Morocco. It was occupied on July 11, 2002 by Moroccan police and troops, who were evicted without bloodshed by Spanish naval forces. On July 20, 2002, Spain agreed to withdraw its troops from the island provided Morocco does not use it.
Isla Perejil has no permanent human population. Goats are pastured there, and the Moroccan government expressed (unfounded) worries that smugglers and terrorists were using the island, but its interest on the island is merely diplomatic pressure on Spain.

My question would be: who is right? Spain? Morocco? I have no intention to start a flame war again.

Edited: My posted picture was in no way intended as offensive. Morrocan users might be consider as. :wink:

Well the biggest difference to the well debated previous example is that the islands are not inhabited. Apart from that I dont know enough about the history of this (yet!) to make any comment.

Hmmm been thinking about this, as there is no population on the island to give an opinion we have to stick with the law and legally the island belongs to Spain and has done so for a very long time. The Moroccan government seem to be using the situation as a means to an end (whatever that end may be).

The island belongs to Spain but to be honest if I were in a position to do anything about it within Spain I would give this lump of rock to Morocco(well I’d probably try and sell it) seems to be a waste of money and of negligable strategic value.

If however there were a population on the island I would follow the wishes of this population.

There’s always the fishing and mineral rights that may go with the island, although I’m not sure if there are any particular treaties in the Med regarding these.

The rights might be part of the reasoning behind the heroic ‘conquests’ :shock: but most of it is purely political.

There may be something in the fishing rights argument as both countrys’ seem at loggerheads over exactly this issue.


However whether the island awards Spain more rights over the coastal fishing areas around the Moroccan coast (dont forget that Spain also has an enclave Cueta not far away which would give similar rights if they exist) or whether the Moroccans want to use the island as a means of pressuring more rights from Spain I dont know.

From memory the population is a small number of goats. Consultations with the goats as to what country they would like to rule them have not proved productive!

Spain needs more fishing grounds ? :shock:

Well they are the largest European consumers of fish, squid, octopus and any other slimy organisms that they drag up from the bottom of the sea. Although the way it’s going with over-fishing the fisheries argument will be ended once and for all soon (no fish=no argument)

Personally speaking, having read in to this incident and knowledge of prior tensions about ceutes.

I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if this is to test the waters of how spain reacts.

There are a few more little islands outthere, and of coures ceutes itself. although they would have to get the people there to agree to join Morroco.

Spanish conquistadores :lol: :lol: :lol:

yup!,imperio español again!,maybe they come again the empire of the past.
who knows…

I don’t know who is right,i guess you have to ask to a guy from spain and other from morocco.

Behave Erwin, they’re not coming for your country.

This is purely a territory dispute between Spain and Morroco, about various territories that were once part of the Spanish empire.

However, as has been mentioned, the treaty of independence never included this (amongst others) island.

Therefore legally, it is Spains.

I await developments.

Edited to remove phrase that may offend, and then edited again to add this explaination.