Riots in Hungary

Guys , I think this interesting

…demonstrants it was possible to drive away two Soviet tanks T -34, advanced on the exposure on occasion of the 50- anniversary of uprising(1956). It was possible to bring and to use them under the salutatory cries of crowd for the development successful, but of short “offensive”. In this case it came out that the Hungarians from the camp of opposition used museum tanks against “their” forces of the law
These Soviet tanks were examined by the risen Hungarians in the distant 1956 as the symbols of the suppression of their expectations and freedoms.

the heritage of the soviet past :wink: :):slight_smile:

Back to the future :wink:
Alert,alert… soviet occupants come back:)

Nice re-enactement. It must be great to be free of tyranny.

What was that thing in left of the first picture…? An machinegun armed truck against a T-34 ??? :shock:

not think this machinegun, rather special tear-gas gun.


It’s not a re-enacment, the rioters used them to breakthrough police blockade, after which police captured tank with great effort. It’s amazing, how they brought on-line a museum piece which served as a memorial? :shock:

Stupid decision of the Hungarian authorities especially in this time of political turmoil in Hungary. Their PM promised in the election campaign a lot of tax cuts and now announced big tax rises and spending cuts to try to plug the budget deficit which at 10.1% of gross domestic product is the biggest in the European Union.

not think this machinegun, rather special tear-gas gun.

Allright, Now I see it.

Oops, sory there. I understand now. Thanks