rise and fall of the third reich

rise and fall of the third reich any one checked it out! ?? i hear its the best !!

Who is author?

i dnt exactly know i will find out today n let u no tmaro

Good, but partly “oldish”.

hey thanks alephh !! cool site

William Shirer


I have this book…and I love it. It is a must read IMO.

It seems to be a interesting book,know how much it usally cost.

This is the book that got me hooked on WWII History. Should be required reading for this site!!

William L Shirer was a US citizen who actually spent part of the 30’s in germany as I recall. His book is an excellent read and an in depth look at the rise of the nazis through to their fall. Often it is tough going, but well worth owning. I have a copy in my garage somewhere and constantly remind myself to go and pick it up again.

If you want to know how a gang of criminals hijacked a civilised country with a proud heritage then this is a good one volume insight.

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is without doubt a great book, that said people today will often know about the Third Reich from other sources, so it is not as important now as when it was published, in my view Shirer’s greatest work with relevance to today’s World is “The Fall of the Third Republic”, in that one can see many similarities in Europe’s response to the rise of Islamofascism today with the European democracies inept response to Nazism in the 1930s.


one telling passage from The Fall of the Third Republic is where Shirer draws attention to the leading French communist newspaper calling on its readers to actively collaborate with the Nazi occupation forces, obviously not much has changed then in the light of much of the European left’s response to the 9/11 attack on the Twin Tower’s of the World Trade Center NYC NY USA .

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

It is a great book though, I might of only read the first 2 chapters (its a huge book and I am a man with little time) but it gives some of the best info about hitler before he was a nazi psycho.