Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

An older book but still a great one. Gives an enormous amount of insight of the war from the German perspective. Ive read the book from cover to cover but you can even just pick the part you are interested in and you will not be let down. Wonderful book that anyone interested in WW2 should read.

That’s another one on my ‘to read’ list then.

I’m separated from my books at the moment :frowning:

Is it the Wm. H. Shirer(sp?) book that you mean? If so yes it’s very much worth reading but it does run to multiple volumes.

The other title he has (the abridges, illustrated version) replete with, well, colour illustrations is superb. Some great photos in it. I have never read the full book you guys are talking about though.

Come to think of it, I have read elsewhere, that at times, Shirer is some times unneccesarily anti-German at times (the terms Nazi and German are interchangable at will). Is that a fair assessment of the work?

If you want a copy I believe the Folio Society in the UK has a cased edition of the multi-volume set available on special offer.
Mind you, it would mean signing up to be a member and regular Folio books don’t come cheap. They are beautifully bound though.

Yes that the one. I have an extremly old version that I got at a book sell for a dollar. I read it all the time thou. Great book

Ive never seen the version with loks of pictures as you say. The one i have just had a before and after illustration in the front in back. I guess the updated version is a bit nicer. :smiley:

This book is chalk load of info and great for looking up information on the Nazi War and Political Machine

Great book, I have yet to finish it all but just in the first few pages you can learn things about hitler and early nazi party that you cant get off the history channel. Good book hope to finish it soon.

It is an excellent book. Although it is dated now. It was written long before the existance of Ultra and other secrets were known. It should be noted that this is also to some degree a personal memoir of the writer.

Very true Shirer was there and met some of them pre-war. Its still a great insight into Nazi Germany though, the players and the dealings that went on. I dont think it will ever be surpassed. Just recently I pulled out my 20 year old copy and starter re-reading it.

yeah I found a copy of the third reich, i couldnt find if for a year

Incidentally, my colleague Bryan Hiatt just reviewed the book. Check out his review here:


He gave it a plus also.

Easy to read because Shirer uses so much adjectives (almost all german persons have 5 negative adjectives before their name, and allies have 5 positive ;-D), but I find it lacking a loooot of information (as pointed out in earlier posts).

And maybe it’s just me, but I find it quite disturbing that every time Nazis do something successfully Shirer skips that completely or only mentions it briefly. And he certainly could do less guessing and speculating.

A bit too one-sided historical writing for me to really consider this one a classic.

But still, easy to read, and no wonder it’s so popular third reich book. :slight_smile:
