Rising Sun* Redo!

Reigstrar Oxbridge wants to be Rising Sun* again. But, the account seems no longer to exist. He was wondering if there is a way to make him a Rising Sun account — one that allows him access to and accredits him for his previous posting history here…


The account exists and is still active…however how does one forget which email address they used. This being a rather simple one too. Possible!!! Also I get no IP matches…normal with Dynamic IPs but still a bit odd. Point is I want some proof before I just give him the account. You can tell him to PM me about it. Just looking out for the protection of the account. Im sure its him but ppl can be bastards.

Will do.

He claimed that his computer has been down and that his kids have f’d everything up…

Should be able to tell if its really him by his syle alone, he is a very unique character.

If you look at the DNS lookup for his IP and the “Registrar-Oxbridge” account it’s with the same ISP - this is how I twigged it was him in the first place.
Can you email him on his Rising Sun email address? His kids shouldn’t have screwed it up enough that it doesn’t get through…

FYI RS* is Rising Sun* again. Hopefully sorted out the problems with that.