RN 1980´s greatest ships - POST YOUR PHOTOS!!!

Type 42 destroyer:
14 ships (6 Sheffield, 4 Exeter, 4 Manchester), 1971–1983

Type 42, also known as the Sheffield class, is a class of destroyers of the Royal Navy. The class was designed in the late 1960s to provide area air defence. In total fourteen vessels were constructed, eleven of which remain in service. The ships, with the Type 23 frigates, today form the backbone of the Royal Navy surface fleet. Sheffield and Coventry were lost in the Falklands War due to enemy action.
The Type 42 Destroyer was built to fill in the gap left by the cancellation of the Type 82 destroyer, it was however, designed to be smaller and more cost effective. The primary weapon is the Sea Dart surface-to-air missile. Although claimed to be obsolete, it is still effective against most modern missile threats, as proven by the 1991 Gulf War.
HMS Cardiff in the foreground, accompanied by two other Type 42’s.The Type 42 is also equipped with a 4.5 inch (114mm) main gun, six torpedo launchers, and two Vulcan Phalanx Mk.15 Close-In Weapons Systems (CIWS) were fitted after the loss of the Sheffield to an Exocet missile. There have been three batches of ships, Batch 1 & 2 displacing 4,820 tonnes and Batch 3 (sometimes referred to as the Manchester class) displacing 5,200 tonnes. As per the norm, Batch 3 ships were heavily upgraded. Although the Batch 3 ships were lengthened, the planned Sea Wolf missile systems were never fitted.
In recent years the importance of the Type 42 destroyers has increased rather than diminished. The UK has adopted an increasingly expeditionary defence policy and the deletion of the Sea Dart missile systems from the Invincible class aircraft carriers has made the role of escort all the more important.

HMS Sheffield

HMS Exeter

HMS Coventry

HMS Glasgow

HMS Cardiff

HMS Manchester

Post your photos!!!

I have photos of some british ships,but they are sunking or damaged,you want me to post them?

you are from argentina?
post all, but no attack our heroes. ok?

ok,i have unpack the gallery from my cds,and i will post then

I found the ships of 1982 and not destroyed,in an argentinian site,enjoy:

1 HMS Active

HMS Ambuscade

HMS Antrim

HMS Argonaur

5 HMS Minerva

6(17864 bytes)
HMS Austin

7 (17864 bytes)
HMS Avenger

8(17864 bytes)
HMS Blue Rover

HMS Broadsword

HMS Cardiff

11HMS Exter

Type 22 Broadsword Class Frigate

Originally designed as specialist anti-submarine platform, the Type 22 Frigates have evolved into a powerful surface combatant with substantial anti surface, anti submarine and anti aircraft weapons systems. They also possesses excellent command & control and communication facilities, making them ideal Flagships. On patrol they have an efficient cruising speed of 18 knots, but have a sprint capability of over 30 knots.

HMS Beaver

HMS Brilliant

HMS Broadsword

HMS CampbelTown

HMS Chatham
HMS Cumberland

post your own photos!!! :smiley:

nice photos!,cheers!

Erwin remember to play nice! :?

I’ll post ships that fought at the South Atlantic War, the british ships as the argentine ships… I am sorry for not respecting the topic, but I expect you would accept them.


Aircraft carrier HMS “Hermes”

Aircraft carrier HMS “Invincible”

Assault ship HMS “Fearless”

Type 22 frigate HMS “Broadsword”

Type 42 HMS “Sheffield” and the frigate HMS “Yarmouth”

Nuclear submarine HMS “Conqueror”


Aircraft carrier ARA “25 de Mayo”

Cruiser ARA “General Belgrano”

Destroyer ARA “Hipólito Bouchard”

A-69 class corvette ARA “Guerrico”

Assault/Landing ship ARA “Cabo San Antonio”

U-209 class submarine ARA “San Luis”


Erwin remember to play nice! :?[/quote]
hehe :oops: ,sir,i was talking truly,but i found pics without them damaged in the web.

I may be wrong but I thought this one, amongst others, stayed at home and didn’t ‘fight’ during the conflict ?

Invincible Class Carriers

The first-of-class HMS Invincible Aircraft Carrier was built by Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering (now BAE Systems Marine) at Barrow-in-Furness. The ship was commissioned in July 1980. The two sister ships HMS Illustrious and HMS Ark Royal, both built at the Swan Hunter Shipbuilders yard in Wallsend, were commissioned in 1982 and 1985.

Since the end of the Cold War, the primary role of the 20,600t aircraft carriers has changed from sea control to maritime force projection, to include maritime strike, littoral manoeuvres and command and control of land operations. The vessels now embark a Tailored Air Group (TAG), consisting of Joint Force Harrier (JFH) aircraft and Sea King and Merlin helicopters.

The ship accommodates over 1,000 crew, including 350 aircrew with 80 officers. It also has capacity for an additional 500 marines.

The vessels were armed with a Sea Dart twin launcher, installed on the forecastle of the ship near the ski ramp. However, the missile system has been removed from all three carriers and the flight deck extended, to provide more capacity for aircraft and enable take-off for RAF Harrier GR.7/9 aircraft. HMS Invincible completed a refit in March 2003. Illustrious completed refit at Babcock’s Rosyth yard in November 2004.

In March/April 2003, HMS Ark Royal was deployed as part of the UK task force in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. On board were Merlin HMA1 and Sea King ASaC Mk 7 helicopters, the first operational deployment of these aircraft.
General Characteristics
Displacement: 20,600 tons
Length: 194 m (210 m - Ark Royal)
Beam: 36 m
Draught: 7.5 m
Propulsion: 4 × Rolls-Royce Olympus TM3B gas turbines providing 97,000 hp (75 MW)
Speed: 28 knots (52 km/h), 18 knots (33 km/h) cruising
Range: 7,000 miles at 18 knots (11,000 km at 33 km/h)
Complement: 685 crew, 366 Aircrew
Aircraft: Sea Harrier fighter/bomber “jump jets”, Sea King helicopters
Initially the carriers were also armed with a Sea Dart SAM missile system, but these were removed (after 1982) in order to increase the flight deck size and to allow magazine storage for Royal Air Force Harrier GR7s.

HMS Invincible

HMS Illustrious

HMS Ark Royal

Cuts, I am sorry but I have to say you are wrong…

Although the Argentine naval forces didn’t have the intense job that had their colleagues of the Royal Navy, there were a lot of missions realized by the Argentine Navy. I’ll put you some images that corroborate their missions at the South Atlantic War.


*April 1st: Part of the Task Force in charge of recover the Malvinas islands, launch several missions of support with the A-4 Skyhawks. Aircrafts S-2T Turbo Trackers did missions of recognition. Helicopters SH-3 Sea King take off from the aircraft carrier and land on the Soledad island.

*May 1st: Two S-2T Turbo Trackers tracked the pair of british Aircraft Carriers. The british didn’t tracked to the 25 de Mayo then.

*May 2nd: A huge raid of 2 SH-3 Sea Kings, 2 S-2T Turbo Trackers and 8 A-4 Skyhawks was prepared to start the first battle between Aircraft Carriers since the WW2. The attack was aborted in the afternoon, when the wind wasn’t enough to launch the Skyhawks.

*May 3rd: The 25 de Mayo escaped, with audacious maneuvers, from at least two submarines that were chasing the ship.

*May 5th: A joint force of S-2T Turbo Trackers and SH-3 Sea Kings realized a “POSSUB” (POSible SUBmarine) mission agaisnt a unknown sonar signal in the South Atlantic.

An A-4 landing after a recognition mission on April 1982

An aircraft A-4 Skyhawk in the preparation of the raid to attack the british carriers. As is usual at wars, the Snakeye Bomb shows an ironic dedicatory.

Illustration of the attack to the POSSUB, in the Argentine coasts


*May 2nd: Sunk in combat out of the exclution zone by the nuclear submarine HMS “Conqueror”. Without proper ASW systems, the cruiser couldn’t notice that the nuclear submarine was attacking.

The sinking of the cruiser, where 323 argentine sailors died


*May 2nd: Escort of the “General Belgrano”, was reached by the third torpedo launched by the submarine “Conqueror”, but it wasn’t exploded. The destroyer was repaired and continued in the war.

*May 16th: Defending the coast of the Argentine sea, received the order of attack to a “POSSUB” during the night. The trackers in the coast detected movement, and the destroyer confirmed with its own radar an sonar that something was in the argentine coast. That uknown ship didn’t answered to the warnings and the “Hipolito Bouchard” attacked with all its cannons several times, until the signal on the sonar and the radar dissapeared. It’s possible that a SBS group was trying to land and make recognitions or missions in the continent.

The destroyer sailing throw the Argentine coasts, in 1982.


*April 3rd: The corvette was in charge of get the Georgias Islands and remove the small group of Royal Marines who were defending Gritviken Port, the biggest village from the islands.
The corvette supported the Argentine Marines with her attack helicopter (Alouette III) and firing with machine guns and the three main cannons.

The corvette in the South Atlantic waters. The picture was realized on April the 2nd, going to the Georgias islands.


*April 1st: From this ship the amphibious armoured forces of the Argentine Marines started the recovering of the Malvinas islands.

A landing unit goes on from the “Cabo San Antonio”

Armoured vehicles landing; those troops were moved to the islands with the “Cabo San Antonio”


*April 20th/May 30th: The submarine sailed under the heart of the Task Force attacking it at least 4 times. Unfortunately for us, fortunately for you, the Shooting directions systems was corrupted in the middle of the trip. The captain decided to go on, because the time wasted if he would come back to repair the system would was determinating. That’s why no one of the 8 torpedos that the crew launched reached to their objectives. The objectives were “a combat ship, possibly a frigate; a great-carriage ship, possibly an aircraft carrier; a civil ship; and a submarine”.

The crew of the submarine preparing to start the campaign, in April 1982

The crew during the war, sailing under the water. The sailors show chins… Although that’s not allowed to the Argentine Navy, the provisions of waters were so little that they didn’t shaved themselves, as they didn’t had showers into the submarine during all the campaign.

(the most of the photos copyright from redargentina.com.ar/malvinas-argentinas)

Thanks for the gen and photos Eagle.
No need to apologise, I did say that I might be wrong.

I had thought that the Veinticinco De Mayo headed for port or at least the Argentine coastline the day after the Belgrano was hit.

I knew some of her aircraft flew sorties against the Task Force from runways on the mainland, but was under the impression that she didn’t take part in the shooting war via aircraft from her deck.

Check this:

My friendly advice is to submit posts strictly reffering to Royal Navy’s 80s ships. Forget Falkland/Malvinas for now.

Yes cuts, as you say, the 10 Skyhawks of the “25 de Mayo” were used succesfully, sinking two ships and damaging another couple.

A pleasure discuss with you. Greetings from Argentina. :slight_smile:

PD: Permit to me to do a little correction, please. The correct name of the Aircraft carrier was “25 de Mayo”, with numbers, not with letters (Veinticinco de Mayo is wrong)… :slight_smile:
There isn’t any problem, it’s common to do a mistake with that.

Well,maybe i have not been very very good with the brits,about my comments (i sounded like stalin),and maybe i was exceded (get it,after a finishing with my girfriend,watching a program of the bbc about falklands war and drinking a lot…well,after the video specially).
But maybe we don’t do are so different,we have a good similarity with your culture,and also now im seeying that we do and…Im afraid my new girlfriend is chilean(if i do finish having “feelings” with her :oops: .
Errrm…apologies for 100th time? :oops: ,yes,im inmadure.
Im sorry :oops: .