Rochus Misch - Hitler's bodyguard... - German Forces | Gallery

Rochus Misch - Hitler's bodyguard...

...courier and telephone operator. SS-Oberscharführer Rochus Misch was born in 1917, his father died of his wounds (WW1) by the time Misch was born. When his mother died of pneumonia in 1920 Rochus Misch became an orphan. He joined the SS-Verfügungstruppe (precursor of the Waffen-SS) in 1937. Because of his size (1.85m/6ft 1in) he served in the "Leibstandarte". Misch was wounded in the polish campaign in 1939 (shots in lung and arms), after his recovery he was transferred to Hitler's escort command. He was one of the last persons to leave Hitler's "Führerbunker" in early May 1945. Being the last living witness of Hitler's last days, Misch (who was never a member of the NSDAP) published his remarkable biography "Der letzte Zeuge" (The last witness) in 2008. Rochus Misch lives in Berlin aged 91. BTW, the photo shows Misch on Hitler's "Berghof" in the Alps, summer of 1941.

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Rochus Misch died yesterday in Berlin aged 96.