Romanian Military

Please post any thing that you know about the Romanian Military under this topic. Feel free to repost anything that was posted in other topics that might help add to this one.

In 1939 Romania allowed the Polish Government to transit its territory (we were France’s ally). After the fall of France (in 1940) and the retreat of the UK from the continent, USSR, Hungary and Bulgaria occupied many Romanian territories (about 1/3 of the country size).
Following abdication of King Carol II, his son, King Michael gave more power to prime-minister Ion Antonescu who agree that German Army " train Romanian Army" and “protect oilfields and refineries” (from Ploiesti).
On 22nd of June 1941 Romania joined Germany and its allies in war against USSR for regaining Basarabia (actually Republic of Moldova).
Romanian soldiers fought hard and well till Summer of 1944.
At that time it was a terrible danger for Romania meaning that the Red Army could occupy all the country. On 23rd Of August 1944 King Michael arrest Ion Antonescu and announced an armistice with Allies. Moreover, Romanian Army joined Red Army in its battles against Germany in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and partially in Austria. Once again Romanian soldiers fought bravely (It was granted to Romania to regain Northern Transylvania - tooked by Hungary back in 1940).
In 1947 King Michael was forced to abdicate by the USSR and till 1989 Romania had one of the darkest communist regime in Europe.

A bit off topic but it seems that every romanian ive meet their name has ended with -escu it this pretty common in Romania?

I never seen a romanian soldier of ww2,I only seen the medals.

somebody knows where i can find photos of them???.

thanks! :stuck_out_tongue:

Already posted in other thread:

Yes. Most of Romanians have their name ended with -escu. Like Mc- in Scotland or -ov in Russia.
This rule is not appliable to my name :lol: :lol:

I like this very very much

Check this


hehehe the -escu applies to my name :smiley: is a great site to learn anything about the romanian army

Ion Antonescu,leader of romania during ww2 (see the pic in dani`s avatar :smiley: )

color pic:

Sorry. Have to take issue with that. King Mihai abdicated because the traitor Churchill already had Europe divided up with Stalin, and because the aid promised by the idiot Truman did not materialize, sort of like the our aid the US promised to the Kurds and Shi’ia who rose up against Saddam after the first Gulf War did not materialize, resulting in slaughter.

You know the saying, Americanii-s de vina…

Sorry. Have to take issue with that. King Mihai abdicated because the traitor Churchill already had Europe divided up with Stalin, and because the aid promised by the idiot Truman did not materialize, sort of like the our aid the US promised to the Kurds and Shi’ia who rose up against Saddam after the first Gulf War did not materialize, resulting in slaughter.
You know the saying, Americanii-s de vina…[/quote]

Mate, I only presented the facts. And the fact was as I wrote. There was many many reasons for USSR to force the King to abdicate.

On the other hand please stop using insults on this topic! We are all here to discuss not to harm some feelings!

“Americanii-s de vina…” = Americans’ quilty…

No insult intended.

But, the facts are that Churchill and Stalin divided up post-war Europe long before the war ended, then conveniently neglected to tell the leaders of those countries affected by their decisions that their fates were already decided, unilaterally.

Neither the Americans nor the Brits had the courage to stand up and tell the leaders or the peoples of those countries that they had been sold into slavery to the Soviets for the expediency of the Americans or Brits. Worse still, the Americans continued to lead those countries on with exaggerated promises of economic and military aid, when the Americans knew before hand that the promised aid would never be provided.

My grandfather, a Silver Star winner was in Czechoslavakia at war’s end. He never understood why we abandoned them. The US could have stayed as could the Brits who also had troops there. The Soviets would have done nothing, except posture, and those people would have all remained free.

Just think were Romania, Poland, and the Czech and Slovak Republics would be now, if they had been dealt with fairly.

And, yes, Vama Veche is one of my favorite musical groups (and favorite place to go on the Black Sea except for the Why Not in Neptun).

The Marshall Plan was offered to the Eastern states, but the Sovs turned it down, since it required economic liberalisation (not exactly something soviets are famous for).

Yep, was true…

Quoted from

On June 5, 1947, Secretary of State George C. Marshall spoke at Harvard University and outlined what would become known as the Marshall Plan. Europe, still devastated by the war, had just survived one of the worst winters on record. The nations of Europe had nothing to sell for hard currency, and the democratic socialist governments in most countries were unwilling to adopt the draconian proposals for recovery advocated by old-line classical economists. Something had to be done, both for humanitarian reasons and also to stop the potential spread of communism westward.
The United States offered up to $20 billion for relief, but only if the European nations could get together and draw up a rational plan on how they would use the aid. For the first time, they would have to act as a single economic unit; they would have to cooperate with each other. Marshall also offered aid to the Soviet Union and its allies in eastern Europe, but Stalin denounced the program as a trick and refused to participate. The Russian rejection probably made passage of the measure through Congress possible. - under construction

ooooo thnx a lot for those links