Run Rabbit, run, run, run ...
The efforts of the Ministry of Food to deflect wartime Britons towards foods that could conveniently be supplied within Britain was not confined to vegetables. They extended to meats not traditionally eaten in Britain, but which were in relatively ample internal supply and therefore not rationed. Still better if the meat in question could be produced, like Dr Carrot, in one's back garden or allotment. This poster makes a strong argument for the populace eating rabbit meat. While this product was available through butchers, and was off-ration, the clear inference of this advertisement is that one should consider producing one's own tasty bunnies for the pot. No indication, of course, of the difficulties attendant on producing significant numbers of rabbits in one's back garden; or the problem of how to explain to the kids how Flopsy ended up as Stewsie. That having been said, this was a good idea. Potato Pete, Dr Carrot, Ted Turnip, along with Roger Rabbit and a good dash of Bovril, could produce a pretty good, nutritious stew for all the family ... Best regards, JR.
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