Russian artillery in Wermacht

Looked through the fotos and found this one.
On the foto german soldiers are firing from soviet 152 mm ML20 howitzer. The place where it happen looks like atlantic coast. First time to hear about such disposal of captured soviet artillery. I supposed it was used only on easten front. However it may took place somewhere on Baltic Sea for example.
May be some one know circumstances and time of this foto.

152 у немцев.sized.jpg

I wonder how wide spread the use of soviet weapons was. I think the Germans also adapted some field guns to fire soviet ammo as it was in large supply.

Probably is about 1943-44 not far away from calais.

The germans use every captured russian heavy artilley piece, not only in the East buty also in Africa, and the Mediterranean

The spread was quit huge. I even passed throuth information that germans arranged tuning of soviet guns to make them suitable for german ammo.
During first monthes of german agression against USSR lots of working soviet tanks, artillery and rifles were captured. They were accurately collected and widely used by germans and german volanteers from ocuppied countries.
Soviet AT 76 mm ZIS-3 guns were widely used cause of lack of powerfull AT guns in Wermacht. Also they were used in tank destroyers.

That is very interesting, this is something that I may model. I can buy a German gun crew and a Soviet gun and combine them.

I know I’ve seen T-34s in German markings were these captured and used often?

German T-34.

German T34.jpg

German T34 capture.jpg

Surely, you can make great own miniatures using combined models. For example, soviet 76.2 F-22 gun (adopted for german ammo it has index Pak-36 (r)) was widely used by Wermacht. Also it was widely used in tank destroyers like “Marder”. Also captured Soviet tanks were used by germans (more then 300 tanks). Even elite “Das Reich” and “Toden Kompf” used soviet T-34.

Comerad, you represented good fotos. On the first we can see T34/76 after modernization in Riga. This tank has german command cupola and also as a rule radio and optics were changed.
Second foto shows normal T-34/76 with two manholes. Cause of it`s twin covers of the manholes german soldiers called it Mikky Mause.

Thanks for the info and the pictures guys!

I found an article about a German T-34 that was found,

A captured SU-122 SP gun