Russian Bomber Pilots Acting like Hooligans?

Navy Intercepts Russian Bombers

By LOLITA C. BALDOR – 8 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. fighter planes intercepted two Russian bombers, including one that buzzed an American aircraft carrier in the western Pacific during the weekend, The Associated Press has learned.

A U.S. military official says that one Russian Tupolev 95 flew directly over the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz twice, at a low altitude of about 2,000 feet, while another bomber circled about 58 miles out. The official was speaking on condition of anonymity because the reports on the flights were classified as secret.

The Saturday incident, which never escalated beyond the flyover, comes amid heightened tensions between the United States and Russia over U.S. plans for a missile defense system based in Poland and the Czech Republic.

In Moscow, the RIA Novosti news agency reported Tuesday that the head of the Russian Air Force information service, Alexander Drobyshevsky, said the Russian bombers “were carrying out their assigned flights” and in strict compliance with the international airspace rules. “We are surprised by the noise that has been raised (over the flights),” he was quoted as saying.

Such Russian encounters with U.S. ships were common during the Cold War, but have been rare since then. Russia revived the Soviet-era practice of long-range patrols by strategic bombers over the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans last August.

The bombers were among four Russian Tupolev 95s launched from Ukrainka in the middle of the night, including one that Japanese officials say violated their country’s airspace over an uninhabited island south of Tokyo.

U.S. officials tracked and monitored the bombers as two flew south along the Japanese coast, and two others flew farther east, coming closer to the Nimitz and the guided missile cruiser USS Princeton.

As the bombers got about 500 miles out from the U.S. ships, four F/A-18 fighters were launched from the Nimitz, the official said. The fighters intercepted the Russian bombers about 50 miles south of the Nimitz.

At least two U.S. F/A-18 Hornets trailed the bomber as it came in low over the Nimitz twice, while one or two of the other U.S. fighters followed the second bomber as it circled.

The official said there were no verbal communications between the U.S. and the Russians, and the Pentagon has not heard of any protests being filed by the United States. Historically, diplomatic protests were not filed in such incidents because they were so common during the Cold War era.

This is the first time Russian Tupolevs have flown over or interacted with a U.S. carrier since 2004.

In that incident, a Russian Tupolev flew over the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk in the Sea of Japan on Jan. 29, 2004. Since then, however, relations between the U.S. and Russia have deteriorated to their worst point since the Cold War, largely due to the United States’ plans to put a radar system in the Czech Republic and 10 missile defense interceptors in Poland.

The U.S. has defended the plan as necessary to protect its European allies from possible attacks by Iran. But the Kremlin has condemned the proposal, saying it would threaten Russia’s security.

“We are being forced to take retaliatory steps,” said Russian President Vladimir Putin, who also warned that a new arms race is under way.

Japan, meanwhile, filed a formal protest with the Russian Embassy in Tokyo after Saturday’s incident, saying that one of the Russian bombers crossed into Japanese airspace for three minutes. Russia has denied there was an intrusion.

AP on Google

…Flying Chevans ?

Just kidding :mrgreen:

Bad russians hooligans fly everywhere they want:)
Soon they will go right over White House in this way.
May be the shot down one of Tupolev?:slight_smile:

This is becouse it hard to believe it need to place the new nuclear Rockets in Chech Republic to defend the “European ally” Israel:)
May be the Washington should formulate more “realistic” reason- for instance the defend the Europe from possible Mars Attack;)

Well I actually agree that the whole ABM thing is just stupid and doesn’t seem to be worth the money nor problems. But I hardly see it posing much of a threat to Russia’s great, vast and mighty Strategic Rocket Forces my friend…

And flying a Tu-95 at a US carrier may seem like fun and games, but not when someone loses an eye…

It WAS a Soviet Great Strategic Forces Nick.
But till the 2010 ( Accurate when the ABM should be fully placed in Europe) at least half of old rusty rockets would have been went out of service.
So it will only few dozen of ONE-head relatively primitive rockets like “Topol-M”. Considering the fact that USA would still save its great nuclear potential in continent Plus new rocket in the Europe- the disbalance would be a great- so great that the Mutual NUclear Destraction will not be a a guaranty any more.
As the resault the World get the new situation when Absolute Superpower could do everything they want.
And nobody could prevent the new bloody Military conflicts.
Probably CHina- but China still have very limited nuclear arsenal- and is not going to increase it seriously for the while.

And flying a Tu-95 at a US carrier may seem like fun and games, but not when someone loses an eye…

I/m agree.
I think this new behaviour of Russian bmbers is nothing but political order of Putin.He aimed to show the public how much he did to restore the Russian army:)
This is nothing but political game. Instead of serious re-armed program of Army ,he prefer to take off few old SOviet Tu-95 ( that should be removed of service till the 2010-12 as obsolet) with the great show on TV:)
But yo know what is bother me more- it seem the American Military Staff also like this game:)
The Pentagon has the situation when it so hard to invent the new reasons to get the additional Money- the americans are pretty tired of “Iraq company” and mythical “Al-queda threat”.The NK/Iran threat is also do not impress any more:)
And there is a great present of Putin:);)- the New Russian threat…What a nice surprise:)
Now everybody happy - Pentagon coz the he get the convenient occasion to rise military budget,Putin coz he demonstrated the russians “look the Western mass media writes again about Russian Bombers- this is good sign, we have restored out Strategic fleet”:slight_smile:
But simple peoples of USA and Russian are losing in new military race.

ex-commies, They will equip their bombers with spray guns to deface the American Empire.Hahaha:)