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5 tone bomb(FAB-5000) loaded soviet bomber Pe-8

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The Petlyakov Pe-8 was the only four engines bomber employed in quantities by the Soviets. VS

in quantities of …11 ( only 8 serviceable )if to be correct. The 746-heaavy bomber regiment of soviet air fleet. The Pe-8 episodically have been used by RedAF with various success within a war. The more interesting story with FAB500.First was droped 29 april 1943 over Koenigsberg.Next 4 charges in may near Mogilev . The most succesful and confirmed was bombing of realway station near Orel 19 jule 1943. The single 5-tonns bomb has been devastated entire transport center, creating a troubles with supplies of operation Citadel for certain period.
In febriary 1944 few bombs have been dropped over Finland. The last dated use of fab5000 was 9 march of 1944 with unconfirmed resault.In total there were droped only 13 bombs within the war.
P.S. the photo description , found by me, dated by jile of 1943.