Russian Shermans - Soviet Forces | Gallery

Russian Shermans

A German trooper walks past two Lend Lease Shermans knocked out in 1944. (Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-090-3916-30)

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The Sherman was outgunned and underarmoured but any tank was vulnerable to the shrek or the faust. The Sherman was more reliable than the T34 and the 76mm version outgunned the T34/76 and was as good or with the HVAP shell was better than the soviet 85mm. This gun was able to take on the Panther at most distances that combat took place in the West. I don’t deny in pure combat terms the Tiger and Panther were better but the numbers produced meant the average German infantryman saw far more Shermans than Tigers or Panthers.

The Sherman was out gunned and out armoured and was almost out of date by the middle of the war,only thing it had going for it was the sheer number of units that were produced. Was also nick named the Ronson lighter,for 1 strike and it would light up,sad but true.