S.79 in flight - Italian Forces | Gallery

S.79 in flight

This lateral view of an aircraft of 252nd Squadriglia, 104th Gruppo, 46th Stormo Bombardamento (Bombardment Wing) highlight the nacelle under the fuselage of the S.79 in configuration Bomber housing the ventral gunner's and the bombardier's stations. This nacelle was removed, for housing the torpedo, on the S.79s converted in torpedo bomber. The aircraft of the photo, taken soon after the entry in the war of Italy, has both the upper machine guns. The 46th Stormo was transferred from Pisa, his first base, to Albania and, finally, transformed in torpedo bomber’s unit. Victor Sierra

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/italian-forces/42466/s.79-in-flight

I have been reading about this excellent aircraft and came upon it’s nickname: 'GOBBO MALEDETTO’or ‘damned hunchback’.That’s refering to that fuselage dorsal ‘hump’.
Official name was ‘Sparviero’ or Sparrowhawk :wink:

A beautiful, elegant aircraft if there ever was one…