“Satan” bomb - German Air Force | Gallery

“Satan” bomb

An Italian Air Force’s serviceman in front to a German SC 1800 “Satan” bomb on a Sicilian airfield used by Luftwaffe as base of his bombers. The SC 1800 was one of the largest bombs in the Luftwaffe’s inventory, a general purpose HE (High Explosives) 1,800 kg (3,968lb), length 6 meter (13 ft), diameter 1 meter (2 ft), filling: 40/60 Amatol, TNT, and Trialen 105, same general construction as the SC 1000 and SC 1200 series fitted with a single fuze pocket, suspension horizontal, used during the Blitz against the Britain and during the air raid over Malta most of all from 1942. On 15 March 1942 in five raids on La Valletta the German bombers dropped over 15,000 kg of HE bombs killing twelve civilians and one serviceman. Victor Sierra

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-air-force/37426/%22satan%22-bomb

Interesting bomb. Just thinking of the profile of the Luftwaffe bomber force - how, I wonder, was it delivered ? Best regards, JR.

Surely on level flight. Best regards, VS