Over the next 90 minutes these men will determine the fate of millions of people throughout Europe, and when the meeting ends, the Final Solution will have just begun.
Oh one more “historical masterpiece” about that ?
Do you know accidentally who is the director and produser ?
Oh mate i did not know you mean the scenes for the “jewish conspiracy” in the mane of this thread:)
He He
How do you think how manues peoples in the USA could find this film “Borat” as funny?
I was not able to finish the watching of this film - too much banality and stupid vulgarity.
Yes it was vulgar, but the film is also a social experiment where only Sasha Cohen and his sidekick were in character and the rest was almost a documentary of how people react to the blatantly absurd. I enjoyed it so much because, yes is was rude, banal and vulgar, but there was clearly an Andy Kaufman-esque underlying tone of social criticism. I find the film to be quite a dichodomy of the crass and low hiding an almost serious critique and intellectual take on the human condition…