Searching for Ofw. Querl

Hello folks,
I am hoping that someone may be able to assist my search.
I recently came into possession of a flying log book for Luftwaffe pilot Ofw. H (possibly Hubert/Herbert) Querl.
The log book covers ther period May 1 September 10 1942 and details training flights mainly out of Worishofen and sometimes Furtsenfeldbruck.
There is also a personal album containing photos, illustrations and typed iterms referring to his squadron (II. F.101?), unit and comrades.
Ideally, I would love to see these items eventually return to the Querl family.
Can anyone suggest how I might find out more about Ofw.Querl? :slight_smile:
Here’s hoping!

Maybe it would be helpful to add some scans of the photos or the log book itself.

Thanks Flamethrowerguy for the suggestion. Will do so as soon as I can get a scanner!

Uhm, threads merged. No need to double-start this thread, you won’t get more answers/info by doing so.

P.S. Did you try the WASt/Deutsche Dienststelle ( Normally they pass information to relatives only but since you have a legitimate concern you should contact them anyway.

Hi Flamethrowerguy. Thanks for the input. I am still getting used to this posting lark! Will be trying the dd-wast link soon.