secret communications between the germans and americans?

there has always been umors that hitler talked to high ranking US officials during the war, asking for an alliance to kill russia. at the end of the war, it is a known fact that hitler asked the americans for an alliance. can anybody elaborate on this?

Before the discussion begins, can you provide us with these known facts, dates times places of meeting etc?

i dont know enough about the subject to provide specific details, there are not alot of known facts about this subject in the first place. but i was wondering if anybody knew anything at all.

Unlikely, given that it was Hitler who declared war on the US.

That’s a polite way of saying “you’re talking bollocks” btw…

he declared war with the US while he was allied with the soviets, and right after the japanese declared war on the US. hitler knew that war with the US was impossible to aviod, the US wasnt going to just sit and watch and he took over europe plus his ally, japan, was at war with the US. but hitler had no interest in killing americans in the first place, he just wanted control of europe.

Germany invaded the Soviet Union six months before they declared war on the US

um, sorry matey-bob, but Im sure the Germans freezing their arses off in front of Moscow would disagree that they wwere allied to the Soviets.

Its option B, Bollocks then.

Err, he thought that the US would ignore the war in Europe (as it had done up to that point), so postured by declaring war on the US, thinking that he was safe.

Had that not happened, then the US would have remained militarily neutral towards Germany, and would only have fought Japan.

Stalin was extremely suspicious of the Western Allies making a unilateral ceasefire with Germany, or even the possibility of Germany surrendering to the US/UK only.

Winston Churchill’s ‘The Second World War’ covers this in some detail. The terms of the US/UK/USSR alliance was very specific that the goal was German surrender, which had to be total, unconditional and a surrender to all three parties at once.

Even having preliminary talks to find out the German terms of such an alliance would have risked a serious split with the Soviet Union. Even so, I can’t imagine FDR or Truman finding the idea of any kind of deal with Nazi Germany anything less than abhorrent.

my mistake, you guys r right the russian german alliance was off when germany declared war on the us.

I appreciate your honesty and forthrightness. I wish there were more who can accept the facts here.

Quite likely - the guy was a raving psychotic, and it’s quite possible he did ask. The US reply of course would have been short and in the negative.

There were attempts, both by Nazis like Hess, who wanted to convince Churchill that, since Britain was for the Nazis also an aryan nation, to fight the Russians together, and by resistance fighters within the German establishment, like Canaris, who had a secret meeting with the American head of the OSS in Yugoslavia, to make peace after the officers got rid of Hitler and his cronies. In this case it was not shure if the officers wanted to continue to fight the Russians, or wanted to use the western Allies as mediators to make peace with the Soviets.

At the end of the war, e.g. Himmler and Goering tried to contact the Americans and British to save their sorry arrses.


Wasn’t it Hess who parachuted in to scotland(?) at the start of the war?

Always understood that Hitler didn’t actually want to fight the Brits, as he had some kind of respect for us.

Have PMd you Walther, twice!!! My bad :oops:

As evidenced by the fact he left it woefully late to even LISTEN to those who said “Hey, we might need to invade England you know” never mind plan the damn thing.

I’ve never heard of Hitler talking secretly with the US at the end of the war.

Remeber that he was totally insane from drugs and diseases by 1945, so I suppose anything is possible, but I doubt anyone in the US would have taken him seriously. Remember, we were pushing for unconditional surrender.

Appologies for delayed post :oops: but I agree with Bloodstone Press… I’ve never heard of talks between the US and Hitler. What would he be thinking anyway? "Ok, I declared war, good goin’ Adolf… well maybe I’ll get lucky and we can all work together to kill Russia! Hey thats one hell of a good idea!
It just doens’t seem likely unfortunately…